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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. I see alot of folks all over switching to these for various reasons, anyone of you guys happen to have made the switch? How do you like it compared to the standard harris style ? Has it half your shooting ?Personally I can't really justify dropping $300 on a bipod. Mabye one of the hundreds of $50 chinese knock offs floating around ebay or Amazon but that ist right now.
  2. Most of us still dislike him but he does good from time to time
  3. The girls have been kinda antsy lately so decided to take them for a walk behind the house and took a few pics while we where out.
  4. I was wondering if that meme would make it over here ??
  5. Mardi Gras is lit ?? I will say though you better get buzzed because when they say the parades last all day they don't they last all day AND night ? 3 days 7a.m till 12:30 a.m float after float and that was the short one.
  6. So that's why everyone keeps visiting BenBhoy's ???
  7. Christ y'all are a buncha old pervs ???
  8. Hay if the international mail wasnt so picky I'd send you a few boxes lol. Im not much a shotgun shooter . One thing about florida though is you gotta deal with the crazy people more than most of the south ??
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