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Everything posted by Wolfdog91

  1. Looking at around 260 pounds for the most expensive one up there
  2. Well was getting some groceries after work and decided to take the sad walk bast the outdoor section that's been out of everything lately and noticed they had some guns in stock. No rifles I wanted ( holding out for a 6.5 creedmore) but noticed the shotguns are all pretty cheap. I don't really ever shoot shotguns hence I never really look at them...ever but for the prices I think I cant hurt to get one...or two ?? not to mention I have a 100rd box of 12ga shells just lying around ? Seriously though think I might get a 12 or 20ga as a back up for preator calling or for when I get invited on a
  3. Nice bass, y'all ever set any limb line or bank poles for catfish ?
  4. You know he had his own show for a while lol. Actually know I few guys like him, their always crazy bit good hearted
  5. From everything in I've gathered from the .50cal groups ,the problem is he's using a SLAP round. Due to how they function their not supposed to be fired though anything with a muzzle break or supressor, due to problems with the sabot case getting caught can and causing excess pressure. Not to mention SLAP's have a much higher pressure naturally than other type of ammo. Barret, and most of the other 50 cal manufacturers highly advise against using SLAP's . And honestly when you can get API and RALFOS rounds makes you wonder why you want SLAP.
  6. Probably just bream mabye some bass. I saw some bluegill in the shallows and I've fished it before but it's been a while. If I can get away from work and my lady freind for the week end I'll have to get some read worms or crickets and see. Theres also this one I found the other day on the same property Thinking about breaking out my 12' crappie rod so I don't have to disturb the weeds too much.
  7. That's pretty good ! What's the going price for beef over your way ? And I do like the idea of using electric as a trainer but the farm and cows and all the decisions fall on the old man and he's a bit set in his ways. Millitary officers never seem to learn their out and don't know everythjng but hay what can you do?? honestly I could set it up and with my own money and leave instructions and he'd take it down saying he didn't understand stand how to use it , ask me how I know ??
  8. Been considering building a little .17 centerfire lately. Was really liking the looks of a .17 rem or a rem .17/223 since I can form brass from .223 pretty easy but for a the budget build I wanna try I can only find a barrel for .17 fireball. Seems brass is a bit more of a pain to make for that . Anyhow what to know how you guys feel about these calibers. Tried looking up some info on youtube but seems it's mainly UK guys using the. 17 centerfires so figured Id ask hear.
  9. Ours are a mix of black and red angus , corriento, bramer and a few others, had a few cattle me we've sold to say ours have a little something special about them because of the mix. We've been trying to breed more angus in them to make them more docile which has been working very well but the corriento genes are still kinda strong. But that help them stay hardy and a little fun lol. And no nothing with electric. Just too much property and thick stuff to try and deal with it honestly. I've been pushing the old man to try it on the pastures closer to the house ( these where about a mile ba
  10. Glad you enjoyed ! It's easier to deal with BS when you start enjoying it ??
  11. Dog proof? Is that like a mesh wire type of thing ? And thank you, I've been at this since I was like six so it's just second nature lol. Honestly just wanted to get it done before summer it's because it's gets 100+ pretty easy where I'm at and fencing then is 3x as hard lol.
  12. They where all ready back from everything I could tell but if they went we have gates to the other property all along the fence line. Usually what happens is when we have a few out and we can't get them in or they won't come back we will locate them to their general area and open those gates. The cows usually know. We then call in cowboys who work with our family alot. They usually drop out 10-20 cow dogs to flush them back over ( and I've seen theses cows jump fences stalker then this like a deer many times) or drive them in the open where the boys and the horses rope them and load them in
  13. Thank you and what the cows are on it's about 67 acres, we have more for the hunters and what not but it's a bit complicated, family land disputes and all that lol. The cows are actually fed daily at the feed barn by the house but a couple of the lead cows still have some crazy in them from the old strains and they do not like having folks where we're not supposed to be. Like in the back pastures where I was ect. If my dad or one of my brother approaches them with a bucket or just a empty feed back 80% of them will just t puppy dog and follow where ever you lead. But agin the crazies don
  14. Wasn't sure where exactly to post this but figured this would be as good as any place lol.Was chatting with someone about this and they said next time I do some fence work I should make a post on it. Apparently y'all don't use barbed wire or have to work in a border line jungle with half feral cattle so guess it's interesting. Idk it's every spring for me ? Anyhow cows managed to find a break last week and since most of these fences are 40+ years old and over grown in most places breakers can be anywhere so only way to find them is walk. Pinned it down to a small section mabye a mile and a h
  15. I mean if it was I am the only black guy here soo.. *cough cough* ??
  16. Yep always seems you can take from the smallest things you used to do as a kid ?
  17. $1500 for a shotgun ? different world lol. Hope you get something good regardless though ?
  18. You guys ever look back on how y'all used to do things and how difficult they seemed compared to now that your older? Kinda thought about this the other day when I popped a crow. I remember killing a crow used to be one of the hardest things for me , I remember being 12yr stalking up on my hands and knees through a open cow pasture for about 100yd with my daisy 880 to try and get close enough to put a pellet in one of the ole black birds. 9/10 time I failed but when I did get one it was an accomplishment lol. Then I got my little crack barrel .410 made shooting them on the fly a possibility bu
  19. *stares in confused american*
  20. Intresting, always though outdoorsmen/women was a international term.
  21. I mean it would make sense that in this massive galaxy of ours out of the billions of planets and what not there would be something else that could sustain life . And possibly so. Mabye God made them too ? ??? And technically I think we can but dude to genetic differences nothing can actually come about baby wise , I think the Russians tried that in the late 40's something about super soliders .. And guess. It can be boiled down to they where the strongest for their genus. If have to have a refresher course on the whole species family tree thingy
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