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Everything posted by ROM1

  1. Does anyone know of funeral plans
  2. Some nice dogs. Old pic. Nettle Bill Brightmore lines
  3. You will be right Glyn I only knew the Tan dog. What was behind him was told to me by bullshitter. 2 of my mates had pups out of gin, and they were given different peds. 1 stated that they were sired by Rice's Bullet another was sired by a son out of Foxy cross Dilly, a mating that apparently never happened Glyn I was called by Brian and asked to sign a statement about all the lies bullshitter told at the time. He told me kevin and DW were righting letters to back Brian up. I think they were put on a website called Rookies or something like that, but I didn't want to be involved with pu
  4. Glyn I was told Duncans son owned the mother of Tan and he didn't know the breeding, and thought she was 1/2 border, and that bullshitter talked him in to using 1 of Bryan's dogs. Just shows you if you don't breed it yourself believe nothing
  5. Glyns right bullshitters cousin owned 1/2 share of Tan, and was told he was lost to ground. Tan was sold by bullshitter. Frenchie bought the dog, and Tan was then sold to Wil mac in Scotland. Tan was put to WMs little ped lakeland bitch to produce a nice red bitch. A bitch going back to this mating was then taken to Bill Brightmore, and bred to Deek, a choc dog out of 1 of my dogs x Tug, a daughter of Bill's choc dog Shaka. Al St kept this line, and took his bitch to NS to produce Jake Drum etc l. A keeper Steve I dug with once who owned Drum, and showed me the ped, and asked if I could fill
  6. Dogs bred for type, I dont know much about a true DW bred dog bred by the man himself so cant comment. The only one ive seen was SE Rock, a little dog with pricked ears and a curly pig tail. Anyone who knew Rock will tell you he wouldn't line a bitch, and produced very few offspring. Yet I have seen peds of lots of dogs with him in their breeding. I remember bullshitter trying to line the Gin bitch( a spewer) with Rock, and he wouldn't line her. Bullshitter tried to even pop the dog on and only ever got a slip couple of seconds. This apparently resulted in the Tonic/Jack litter according
  7. His younger brother went to Surrey and was in the pic (edrd) with the Boozer bitch and the Flint dog. How did he turn out
  8. IMO,,, Niga’s quality came from his dame. He was just like her quality.
  9. I remember when that, he’s out dogging book was released ? I remember bull shitter had a bin bag full of letters off lads wanting pups ( no internet then) and all he had was that little pedigree unknown, shit scared of the dark bitch Gin, and and a beddy whippet. Just goes to show, Bull shit sells .
  10. I know of one terrier lad who claimed to have pumped the vicor of dibley
  11. Thanks,,,, she belonged to RAb R I should have posted this on the Irish Pat thread as she was mated twice to Andys Town Stew
  12. Yes I was stould next to Steve Elis I judged PD show once Henry did he not go back to Acky dogs???
  13. Hi False pedse (JW) I m sure I met you at the Midlands game fair, you where with Pat D
  14. Nice dog pb did you breed him your self
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