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Everything posted by Deadeye18

  1. Beautiful guns thankyou for sharing them.I really like the fourth one up.
  2. Glad this scumbag is getting what he deserves.I did enjoy the TV show.I wonder how red jacket fared as a business after this.
  3. If I get any more ill ave to get another cabinet!
  4. I've got one in.22 .Wasn't too impressed with it at first,low on power,very harsh recoil,very hold sensitive and I nearly sold it BUT after putting 2 tins of pellets through it settled right down now,little recoil,power has gone up and groups very tightly.
  5. I've got one in.22 .Wasn't too impressed with it at first,low on power,very harsh recoil,very hold sensitive and I nearly sold it BUT after putting 2 tins of pellets through it settled right down now,little recoil,power has gone up and groups very tightly.
  6. I've got one in.22 .Wasn't too impressed with it at first,low on power,very harsh recoil,very hold sensitive and I nearly sold it BUT after putting 2 tins of pellets through it settled right down now,little recoil,power has gone up and groups very tightly.
  7. I've got one in.22 .Wasn't too impressed with it at first,low on power,very harsh recoil,very hold sensitive and I nearly sold it BUT after putting 2 tins of pellets through it settled right down now,little recoil,power has gone up and groups very tightly.
  8. Fantastic I wish my kids school was like that.
  9. Been loads of folks moaning on the radio about how terrible it is and that we should be sending our military over to sort it.Personally I think those fools calling for boots on the ground should be the first that are forced to go.
  10. I feel the same way.Completely numb to it.
  11. Had a beautiful diana34 firebird donkeys years ago that was awesome out of the box,Bought an hw95k last year that groups like a 410 shotgun and twangs like a banjo!I think most companies nowdays are penny pinching all the time hence why most guns need a tune up from new.I'll be doing the 95 this summer.I've often wondered about how good the Chinese guns are out of the box seeing how cheap they are compared to high end german guns,the smk xs208 is supposed to be a diana 34 clone but will it be as good.On the service side I had air arms give my s410 the once over a few years ago and service was
  12. The guy did nothing wrong,killed the enemy,job well done.He shouldn't have been locked up.I hope he has a good life when he comes out.
  13. Good pics Underdog, nice looking rifle too,what is it?
  14. Dasco dubbin is good I use it on all leather goods.
  15. Deadeye18


    He's mental,funny though!
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