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Everything posted by Davidjamespresa

  1. Can anyone in this thread help out a bloke with a rat problem in Hertfordshire? ?
  2. Thanks for the replies ...my neighbour is cool about access etc ...we are working together to sort problem ...I am a bit more Internet savvy than she is ...I have been trying to shot them ...old airrifle ...bad eyes !!
  3. Hi I have quite a lot of rats coming into my garden from my neighbours stables. ..looking for a solution and terriers seem the best way ...I am in Hertfordshire just outside stevenage ..can anybody help? Many thanks
  4. Not sure tbh ...I have seen at least 4 to 5 adults on my lawn at one time and now I am seeing smaller ones with them so I assume they breeding like wild fire ...I have trapped a couple in the past ....but need help to get this problem sorted ....the neighbours stable has no horses in it now and is overgrown .. so probably perfect rat hotel!
  5. Cheers guys ...fingers crossed I can find someone local...
  6. Hi I have a rat problem in my garden and was looking at finding someone who uses terriers to eradicate them for me ...the rats are coming in from my neighbours stables which are unoccupied now ...just need as much info as possible ..cost to get it done etc ...I am in Hertfordshire Many thanks
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