Well after 20 years of hunting hounds and digging I've a fair idea of what goes on below ground lol. But yet I've never seen a terrier been killed below ground by a fox.
The only way a dog will be killed aground to a fox is if it smothers, pushed up tight, sandy earths but not by a fox.even the most wound up dog fox wudn be able in my opinion
Over here last year lads boasting about getting deer on the lamp with lurchers.when they did get a knock on the door one fella got caught wit a lot of cocaine.all because of one of his friends with a camera phone
Its true what you say alright.that dog in question I bred and rared and they thought it should be rehomed because I hunt(???not a chance.here where I'm living were lucky enough so far. But believe me they all should be stopped before they get going. If I'd of left them away with it or worse called the guards they'd of moved the dog.they'd probably boast amongst there anti Buddy's about what they'd done.in the end the little fright they got they realise its not worth it.just my opinion.
But it should be stopped from the beginning. I see what the antis get away wit across the water its disgraceful. I've watched the local hunt a few times already this season and there's nobody but hunt followers antis wouldn't be tolerated. You don't have to go all guns blazing.jus be clever but let them no the score. A dog got out on me last year.the wife seen him on one of them Facebook pages.anyway long story short the couple that had the hound wudnt give it back because They didn't like hunting. Quick ring around found out where they lived turned up at there door on my own and got my dog ba
On the young lads Facebook there's a man on it with pictures of his dog. On about how he got three digs. And two of them we're foxes. Boasting about his bullx drawing the last yoke.unreal. his real name everything
There's a few lads on hear as bad if not worse than Hancock. In my opinion lads that are breeding for money are a disgrace.they ruin the game.there's nothing wrong with breeding for your own use and selling left over pups if its a reasonable price.scince I've joined this site I've seen pups for sale or lads with pictures pm me for price.some of these lads seem to be online 24/7 and must get very limited work for there dogs.but as was said before fools and there money are easily parted.there's no guarantee that pups will work but if u get a pup off WORKING parents youl shorten the odds. Anyway
I've seen that dog dug in different places.and he was a solid worker. It was a decision that had to be made.but that's terrier work.chesney has to be given credit. It would be worse if he sold it on.fair play for been honest
why the snidy comment about intelegence,,,not everybody is academic andnearly everydoorman i know does it as a second job,,usualy to earn extra cash,to provide for family,,,
come on then rocky,,,,why did you make a fella retire?
are you serious?