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Shovel shy

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Everything posted by Shovel shy

  1. No luck today.fox bolted wrong side
  2. One day its an argument over a pic of a hare now somebody ain't happy with perfectly legal pictures,. Ah jaysus. Let's all sit back. Say nothing about hunting. Let's take no pictures. No pics for www. None for books. Let's all do what were told of the antis.donate your cameras to charity.PS trunk fair play to you and anybody else posting legal pictures. A lot of people on here with made up usernames that have never posted.maybe they don't even keep dogs.makes ya think
  3. Ye that's y I ain't on it. The young lad is in fairness.but I do check what he posts
  4. I've been told yesterday, rightly or wrongly that there are a couple of cases up very shortly in Ireland where intentionally causing unnecessary pain and suffering to an animal are the charges bein pressed upon lurcher lads that were caught doing a bit of foxing by night.... Food for thought!!a few years ago here in Ireland we got a fox on the first weekend in September.so up the field I went got the dead fox.cut the tail for the lads in gun club. Back to the motors I decide to give the hounds the carcass. 1st fox of the season after all. A young lad with us recorded that part and posted it on
  5. O.6 handy out. But up on the bank above us the hole was left open. Some dickheads in the game.it took us less than ten mins to cover both back in
  6. Were lucky here. My son and two nephews hunt every Sunday. And u can't go lamping without them
  7. I like the Wheaton x.always have but if im honest these dogs are that little bit faster.my lad is a bit heavier thicker set.but end result is all worth there keep.
  8. I've a pic of his bro here somewhere both single handed.theres a bitch out of the litter here as well but she came very small.still game but small.
  9. This dog is bred exactly the same.
  10. I might have the wrong case but I think the laptop it was on got in to the police hands through something totally unrelated and of course they ihad to have a nosey around... I think it was caught on another soldiers head camera
  11. But how is it bad news?? If this bellman thing is after coming to light? It seems to me u can't start any thread on here no more cause it upsets somebody.this is a picture that's on all social media.all of it. I put it on here for the lads in that part of the country to have a look no harm nothing illegal.other threads have gone the same way. VIEW FROM YOUR DIG any body that posted on that can supposedly be tracked now this.and lads arguing over who can who can't.another thread THE JACKER more giving out from the internet warriors.lads grow a pair of balls keep hunting keep talking about hunti
  12. They won't cause they probably still have pups for sale off her advertised on here lol
  13. Ha ye that'd be you.wonder was some poor c**t waiting for hours for he's best bitch that never showed because batteries were dead??? Poor c**t
  14. knowing the RSPCA its probably a filling or denture of some sort lol
  15. Wonder did somebody leaver her behind?? If its not allowed pm and I'll delete it
  16. Lad hunts with us done the same type of cross.he aimed for the speed of the greyhound with a strong head.it worked for him.I'll put up a pic.
  17. Nope not mine either.look at the end of the day I keep hounds as well as terriers.any body knows that when marken hounds are barking or sounding in to an occupied earth sometimes or often the fox will bolt.before a terrier is even dropped. So a terrier that does go in and give 5 minutes and a fox bolts is not for me.especially when hounds often do the same job from outside
  18. When u drop a dog u give him/her time to settle.time to put the fox to a stop end or time that he bolts.the dog is settled when I start digging I expect MY dog to stay.MY dog. None of this down two feet and fox decides to move.there curs. the only type of terrier I keep is workers.that's my standards
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