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About Kinga

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 30/06/1975

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    south wales

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  1. So the verdict is in! Overall I really like this frame. From the offset shooting ttf with my looped tubes did increase my accuracy and it was very easy to find an aiming point. Its a very small frame which is great as an every day carry but as I'm not used to this type of frame I did find my hand cramping a bit after a dozen shots or so and I'm still trying to find a way for me to hold it comfortably, more than likely down to my fault and not the frame. Would recommend for anyone though, great price and seems very tough ATB Kinga
  2. So I've never shot a professional made frame before, I've always used naturals I've made myself but after hearing so much about these new budget universal frames I thought id get one and see for myself. I'm excited to see how trying some new styles effects my shooting. I'm normally an OTT looped 1745 and this has always worked for me but there is always room for improvement. Off to shoot my new toy now!
  3. I'm actually collecting materials for a similar project. I have two pallets that have been covered with ply that will be painted and on slabs to act as a floor and planning on building a small type court. Just tall enough to walk into and obviously floor size would be as big as two pallets. ATB Kinga
  4. What a way to get your 15 minutes! oh i dunno I've seen some belters. Remember the one f***ing herself with a wine bottle on big brother.Yeah Kinga set the bar IMHO...... I've done nothing wrong?!
  5. http://www.dankung.com/Gcontent/10-meters-special-rubber-tubing-slingshot_black-1745_1186?nosto=nosto-page-product1 I've never had a problem buying from dankung. Takes a while to arrive but I cant feel good about buying 1.5m for a tenner on ebay.
  6. Personally I use 1745 looped for hunting. With my draw length I use a 12 inch piece looped in half ( one loop per side obviously) I also order mine from china, takes a week or two to arrive but so much cheaper than ebay. Think I got about 15m for a tenner ish delivered and that's kept me and a couple of mates in bands for a few months and still have a bit left over. Really like that band attachment too greyman, havnt seen that before. Might have to pinch that idea ?
  7. Really like the sound of this. How has it run so far? How is it practical wise and comfort wise? And its nice to hear about such good will in the community nice one! ATB Kinga
  8. Nice one, cheers for all the helpful replies. I was a bit dubious about using any general kitchen surface cleaner but it seems like a pretty common thing to be using. They get a regular clean out and as their toilet is over mesh, most of the mess just drops through to the litter tray underneath. But after a winter all the little bits that don't will soon start to cause some problems now the heat will be picking up a bit (wishful thinking?) ATB Kinga
  9. Its coming to the time of year where the weather is about right to give the hutch a proper deep clean. What I wanted to ask is what chemicals do you guys use to disinfect it all with?
  10. Thanks mate. Could do with a bit more sanding and a nicer finish but its nice and smooth and has been waxed and then actually rubbed with dubbin to see how it works with wood. Worth a shot (excuse the pun).
  11. Kinga

    Bow Hunting

    When I did a bit of it in Australia we had to be able to do this... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BEG-ly9tQGk
  12. Fun little make in the end. Thanks for the advice everyone it wasn't really anything to worry about as you said. Feels well in the hand and shoots straight so I'm happy with the results! ATB Kinga
  13. Out of interest who likes a blow job or anal?
  14. Kinga

    Lidle Find

    I don't see any harm in anyone having their beliefs or hobby's or ideas or whatever. As has been said above by a couple of others above, I dont disbelieve, I think its an interesting subject that a lot of people are obviously passionate about. And if they exist or dont does it actually matter at all to most of us? I would like to see some serious evidence before I actually believed but it doesn't really matter if it ever becomes an established fact. I'm sure I was told once that gorillas are a fairly recent discovery and nobody denies they exist. Food for thought.
  15. My coop with litter tray under. Little buggers scratched off a tile while I was at work today haha. I've also got a little digging box they love to roll in and dig.
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