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Michael J B Lancaster

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Everything posted by Michael J B Lancaster

  1. I think he photoshopped them in like they do in films where they add thousands of men into battles for dramatic effect haha Some shooting is that bud
  2. I think it's just because it was a freebie and my springer is pretty violent. May have just shaken the internals loose. Kinda sucks but what can ya do?
  3. So yeah, I think my scope might be a little broken Just as I was getting used to it. Went from a 4x32 to a 3-9x40 and felt like a king. Gave away my old one to someone as a gift as he had bought his little brother a cheapy rifle. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Always keep a spare!!! Definitely the internals, absolutely gutted. Is it fixable?
  4. and now I have a craving for pie, chips and peas. screw you, twat
  5. Remington Express .177, using JSB Exacts 4.52mm. I did use AA Diabolo Field but it much prefers these exacts. The flyers are starting to annoy me though I'm still a new shooter, so it's doubly frustrating to watch
  6. I'd have a better chance selling my ass than saving up haha, got twins on the way. Need a distraction and my current springer is testing my patience a little with flyers
  7. Heard this rifle mentioned an awful lot lately. If you get the time could you give us your opinion on it, value for money, performance etc? May have to sell my bottom and see if the funds will pay for one of these. I wanna dip my toes into PCP and this sounds like the cheapest route by far.
  8. Jammy sod getting to witness that hah. Hate bandits, would love to see one of the local Red Kite's get a hold of one.
  9. Happy Birthday bud. There's a floating orb of light in the centre of the last pic. Maybe you should call the Ghostbusters...
  10. Just wanted to fiddle about with something hah. They're small enough to fit a load in your pack and give you an excuse to stab and cut to make Thanks
  11. Spent this afternoon designing and making a few little HFT style targets for when I get out shooting. Think they turned out ok
  12. wanna adopt me? haha make sure to plaster pics everywhere, I need to see this beauty
  13. A friend of a friend very kindly gifted me a 3-9x40 scope to stick on my Remington Express, to get rid of the horrible 4x32 I was using. After spending a good 20 minutes trying to get the thing on paper, then sighted in at 25 yards, I finally thought I was done. We swapped out the target for a fresh one and I was about to start grouping some shots when a fly landed on the target. Well, lets just say, I'll never do this again haha! Not quite knocking the wings off but splatting one at 25 yards got me bloody excited hah. Now I'll have to get that old fella BigMac to take me out s
  14. A friend was wanting a budget scope to stick on his new acquisition (Hammerli 550) and this fits the budget. I'll pass on the info, cheers bud
  15. I struggled, even with the hammer Definitely isn't coming off without a grinder Try warming it up. I did think about that but considering how much I screwed this stage up, trusting myself with that amount of heat anywhere near my rifle scares me
  16. I struggled, even with the hammer Definitely isn't coming off without a grinder
  17. Strangely ironic that when I'm outdoors, I could sit there for hours and not move, just taking it all in. Patience of a Saint. Put me indoors and the hammers are a first resort if something takes too long. I feel like a complete idiot, maybe because I am but I should have known better. It still shoots so there is that going for me...
  18. I've only ever tasted a solitary bite of rabbit from a stew someone made at a bushcraft meet. Can't even really recall the taste if I'm honest. The thought of BBQ'ing one up though has made me dribble a little. May have to give it a try
  19. As per the title. If you're a little unsure when it comes to adding bits to your rifle, read up properly and ask people before giving it a go yourself. Otherwise you make a mess like this. http://imgur.com/QLL1JAK - Yes that's a brand new, custom made suppressor adapter made specifically for my barrel dimensions. It happened to be a tiny little bit tight. So I may have erm... forced it on with a hammer Yes, I know, I know, I'm an idiot. It's on but it isn't coming off. Not a chance. Will need cutting off. http://imgur.com/t5BGJ0y http://imgur.com/rg2xG1s http://imgur.co
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