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Everything posted by stonewall

  1. 1980s back patches mullets denim waist coats the knife would go well.i can imagine adam ant with this.top class.the rock sets it off also.
  2. i hunted in pembrookeshire on foot about 10 yrs ago with a pack called the tyve side hunt. i was over their for 5 days.the hunting was great the country side was something else with hounds when on were great to watch .i remember the pack were flat out going across a hilly sheep farm when they came to tall sheep wire and they popped it like it was never their.our vantage point was at the highest point of the farm and we could see all around.got a chance to go back and c the kennells.drank away in the local pub that night and off hunting the following morning.i hope to some day go back their ag
  3. check out a guy called stonnie dennis.u wont go wrong starting off.Thanks for that. Had a look and really like his 'no mystique' approach. Also Michael Ellis (recommended by someone off here) has some useful vids on YouTube.Another thing me and my dog have been playin around with (with occasional commitment) is the 'lurcher field trials' (novice have-a-go) from the NL&RC website. (Obvs not applicable to the OP but just re: training). (I also love these threads, but they frequently make me feel so sorry for my dog..) michale ellis is top class ive used a lot of his teachings on my
  4. go too any horse racing yard or breeding yard and u will hear the radio on in any of the stable barns.start pups off young.
  5. check out a guy called stonnie dennis.u wont go wrong starting off.
  6. what ive seen done before in fox hound kennels was thick sheets of areo board or that king span insulation placed on the ground gravel or on sand and a layer of plaster cement plastered on over it then.no damp can come up through the insulation.its usually 2 ft high.
  7. ive 30 buff orpintions and 30 le bress in the incubator.
  8. ur right to not put a shitty arse jadgs across ur bitches.thats why u line ur bitches with hard as iron jadgs and take it from their.ill leave it that.
  9. its possible to get this type back wide spread again just line with hard jadgs and breed back again to the above type of terrier bitch or dog cull hard and go again in 15 to 20 yrs ur line of working type lakies would be strong again.dug too a black and tan dog for a fare few yrs very like the picture of the bitch above.he was good hard dog that very rarely took a backward step.i didnt own him but it was a joy to c him work.the dog was an alagator.one of the very best ive seen. Then you'd be breeding just for colours? The type will always exist but colours might change. Better to br
  10. its possible to get this type back wide spread again just line with hard jadgs and breed back again to the above type of terrier bitch or dog cull hard and go again in 15 to 20 yrs ur line of working type lakies would be strong again.dug too a black and tan dog for a fare few yrs very like the picture of the bitch above.he was good hard dog that very rarely took a backward step.i didnt own him but it was a joy to c him work.the dog was an alagator.one of the very best ive seen.
  11. How tall is that pal? 31 inches and has a good bit of lenght in his back.you cant really see this in the photo.
  12. the good old donkey jacket is ur man for the black horns. when ur getting in to get a mark.
  13. over here in ireland their like hens teeth.i reckon the only way to get the lakie back in my opnion is to start to line them with hard type jadg terriers.their very alike in overall body makeup.off spring cull hard if not up too it keeping the best and breed again with hard lakies.but ur looking at 15 to 20 yrs time and deadaction into the breeding it can be done just needs someone with a graw for the lakie and to get them back to where they were and in good numbers.iam sure ill be called out on this but the truth is the hard working lakie that stays and stand its ground when rushed from the b
  14. i was strimming under stud railing fencing the wkend gone and im convinced that these were the mushroom that i saw.didnt know what kind they were to be honest. they were growing in tight clumps close to the ground.
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