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Everything posted by stonewall

  1. i think they were the lemon field foot beagles back in the 1980s from patrickswell co limerick.
  2. zest of 2 lemons and oranges,to every 500ml of liquid add in 350g of sugar 50ml lemon juice and a heaped tea spoon of tartaric acid each time.i filled a black plastic bag full of elderflowers,and roughly got 12 bottles.
  3. two different nests of chicks in my shed.
  4. in ireland its bull x or wheaton types,what ive noticed its the older lads that keep the collie hound x.
  5. opinel knifes all the way.great to hold edge and if you lose them their not expensive to replace.
  6. was out with the hounds last yr had to get this lad done.
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