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Everything posted by stonewall

  1. that spell behind bars really has shaken up tommy,he has lost a shit load of weight.hope to see him back doing what he dose best in the future.we have a saying here in ireland, shake em up.and thats what i hope he keeps on doing.
  2. small set up in my green house,plums pears and apples coming on grand also.
  3. their is a great film called poitin starring mick lally, cryil cusack and neil tobin its a short irish film but well worth a watch,theirs a scene in the film where they wanted to make a pub scene real so they fed the locals drink for a few hours,then enter neil tobin into the pub acting the boyo the locals didnt know what was going on as they were kept out of the loop as to what was happening in the scene,a few of the locals went for him as he was going off on an very old man in the pub starring cyril cusach. gret movie.
  4. billy joe saunders up to his antics again.
  5. i was looking at moonshine stills during the wk think i will buy one.they have a great web site.
  6. he is a dutch shepard going on 5 yrs tried to cross him too a greyhound 3 yr ago and she never held.
  7. very nice pup you can almost see its intelligence coming through in the photo.also reminds me off a black dutch herder.
  8. much the same issue in relation to a book i ordered a few yrs back of his web site,long story short book very slow coming after txt emails and phone calls,contacted friends in wales to call to him with my details of the book i had ordered ect.book is on my shelf now.
  9. as an irish man i hope england go through,theirs no shapers in this team , compared to other yrs.
  10. the overall winner is the man wearing the bowler hat leading the hound 7 pics above i think he is from a tryone pack,a modern english would you say.
  11. long story short its a probiotic.
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