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Everything posted by stonewall

  1. a true gent.the breeder of all my birds. .
  2. frank c rocca fighting for life is another good book. got a loan of 2 of the 4 books interesting reads.
  3. listened to all episodes while haven the breakfast this morning.great way to start the day.
  4. their could be a connection with marvins sudden death with getting the vaccine days before he died.hope its not true.
  5. old photos of my birds.ray alexander birds i got 10yrs ago.
  6. went to see lisa a few times live.great voice. w time
  7. looks like they got away handy if you ask me, a few drums of gas should of gone through the windows of van or caravan.
  8. snooker player jimmy did more or less the same thing, he was was high as f**k on cocaine one night, jimmy and his driver called around to his dead brothers house lifted him up out of the coffin and took him out drinking with 3 other lads.one hell of a drug coke.
  9. good friend of mine did the artic ultra 6633,yukon artic ultra race and the marathon des sables,the man is a machine.mental toughness of the scale.
  10. one of the truly great voices. this is how its done.no auto tune just belt it out.
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