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Everything posted by stonewall

  1. time and time again i can go back and watch this movie
  2. another great sit down interview.
  3. old school gentleman interview.when their gone their gone.
  4. taylor is in ramirez head,cant wait for this one. r this one.
  5. charles bradley great singer sadly no longer alive.gave it his all on stage along with menahan street band top class sound.
  6. bitch going through a full phantom pregnancy at the moment.swollen glands producing milk nesting the lot.
  7. would have lamped and hunted a fare few down the yrs for trainers and owners,ones that were just not following it properly at the time.And also explained the pitfalls of hunting at night,on two occasions hounds never made it home due to collisions such is the honesty or stupidity what ever way you look at it.only time will tell with my hound beauty.
  8. bitch never held this yr was ment to pup next wk,coursing bred won a few stakes in her time given to me by my uncle,she will get a fare few days and nights out this coming season.
  9. cracking yard tour,healthy animals.
  10. off today,dogs tied out,sun at their backs.cup of tea in hand. fat freddys drop playing. magic.
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