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Everything posted by Terrier15

  1. I'm going to try that with pup. Fingers crossed he will grow an immunity or, at least, a tolerance to them.
  2. Ill keep going as I am then, mixture of road, track and bushes etc. Hopefully the more nettles he sees the better it will get. I'm southeast as well leethedog so assume we have been fighting a similar battle with them!
  3. Yeah - agree this is the worst time of year for them so he will just have to get used to them. When chasing something after the sting he was fine it is just while walking
  4. Cheers mate, Ill see if it doesn't improve in the coming months and will have a look at 'tuff foot' if no improvement
  5. Cheers Timmy. It happened over 4 or 5 hours ago now and he is still not himself due to it. We do quite a bit of road work but will have to increase this. Cheers
  6. I have a dog pup that is 6 months old, when out he has issues with stinging nettles on his paws. They really bother him to the point where he struggles to keep his concentration until we have found a doc leaf to rub on it. I have checked his paw and there is nothing sticking out. Any advice on this?
  7. Mines definitely still got the puppy 'want to play' nature with other dogs.
  8. Thanks mate. Think I've still got a bit of time to wait until he's more physically ready. I'm in no rush whatsoever. Good luck with yours
  9. Lovely looking dog mate. I've got a 6 month old, similar to yours but will be a lot shorter. Have you shown him much in the way of work, if so what and when? I know every dog is different but trying to gauge when is best for mine etc. Cheers
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