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Everything posted by Greengrass

  1. Sorry Gnasher I don,t agree, good sportsmen, top sportsmen in within whatever their field of sport is simply don't choke. The answer is the England team is,nt as good as they or the majority of England thought they were, every major tournament they get found out, generation after generation can't all be bottlers IMO they just are,nt good enough.
  2. I could send you some via mobile I can't upload photos on here mate
  3. I have a Mali X Dutch herder, great dog although at a year he is slightly on the immature side, but would recommend it as a great cross.
  4. What has she done in her long career as as leech politician that has bettered this country ??? Nothing ,another thief taking money from the people.
  5. Max you don't half talk some shite...do you think they would get away with that ? Ffs open your eyes.
  6. Every chance he s failed a test...I hope so I can,t stand the c**t
  7. Brian Priest is very good at any animal photos
  8. He,ll not have to bother about fighting once he gets suspended for his comments about nazi guards etc
  9. What about the c**t from Ryanair who straight away said there will be no investment from his company for the next 2 years while they expressed other options....f**k off and base yourself in France or Germany then and see how you fair.
  10. The immigrants are France Germany and the rest of the EU s problem from now on, let them deal with it, IMO it will not be long before many countries in the EU find themselves with their citizens demanding referendums also. People will only take so much for so long, yes it might be rough for a bit but that was only to be expected, in the long run I fully expect us to be back stronger than ever.
  11. I don't see that denial is the right road, who on here believe he is not a poof
  12. Gnasher I can,t get you via pm for some reason could you either clear your in box or get in touch with me by other means....by the way you,ve got lucky with Iceland good luck.
  13. Sorry mate I don,t agree, I think it's common knowledge that he is what he is, and fair play to him if that's his lark....what I don,t like is the fact that at his age he still cannot admit what he is.
  14. Feels he has reason to complain about his treatment, how about coming out that he is a poof for starters ? In this day and age it is mostly accepted whether the majority think it is right or wrong, he s been living with his male friend for at least 20 odd years and still denies he's gay why don't one of these bbc presenters grow a set of balls and ask him if he 's not gay then why is he living with a bloke Rant over
  15. How many times are the social workers / judges etc going to get it wrong ?
  16. You took the words right out of my mouth....
  17. Quick update, the two van assistants had their hearing today and one of them has been reinstated with immediate effect and starts back tomorrow, not so good for the other lad who has been told his dismissal stands.
  18. And the Manchester police. Chased them back to Glasgow
  19. Or even the price of 2nd hand motors my bad
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