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Everything posted by Greengrass

  1. I'll ask before pip does....what height is he :secret:
  2. Kirklands have started doing a puppy food now 28% protein in it .
  3. How you doing Whin ? still enjoying life down by ?
  4. I would breed two 10" terriers together if they were both proven to hopefully get more workers from them, Why not ? If they turn out small they turn out small so what, i like a bet and therefore like to try to put the odds in my favour as much as possible , if you prefer to breed from something purely for a bit of height than that is your choice but in my opinion your taking the risk of adding to the already large amount of shite out there that will end up being passed around and more than likely bred from again down the line therefore adding even more shite ....maybe that's why it's hard to
  5. No dodging here, if you want a terrier for ratting ANY size would do, but prefferably on the small side, other stuff 10" and upwards, no smaller
  6. Depends on what they're going to be worked on does'nt it !!
  7. A good working bitch is worth breeding from regardless of size, compromising working quality for the sake of a bit of size means one thing..... More shite being sold , simple as that, there is no excuse for it.
  8. Pip, i don't get what your saying. If the 10" had a proper grip, in the right place of course he should be able to hold him where he can !, you never seen big guys have wee guys down on the deck outside the pub on a friday night purely because the little guy had a better hold on the big guy, if something has something else in a good hold where they CAN'T MOVE then size does'nt come into it. Over to you my learnered friend. yours
  9. He obviously was'nt holding it properly then pip was he , now "playing devils advocate" pray tell what you mean by that ? yours Greengrass
  10. I'm not saying as a rule, or building a kennel around the two 10" dogs, what i am trying to say is there is enough shite out there being bred just for the sake of a quick quid, why not at least improve your chances by breeding two PROVEN 10" dogs together if the chance arises, instead of just grabbing a dog and breeding it to your bitch just because he's got a bit of leg on him, granted your point that the smaller ones will find it harder going against a big dog fox or angry vixen but why not go with the worker to worker regardless of size.
  11. Why not ? if they were both 10" and good proven workers why not ?
  12. Dev How did the wee double bred buster pup turn out for you ?
  13. I'll try to get some pics up of my two pups tomorrow, i think the bitch is going to be very small, she's 8/12 2 to 9" at the moment and seems to have stopped growing lol.
  14. That young pup at the top has some size of paws on him.
  15. My little bitch will probably only make about 10", her dam came direct from Nuttall.
  16. If you have the sire and /or dams name you could enter that and by a process of elimanation try that way on greyhound data, or you could try the irish greyhound board site www.Igb.ie. and see if they have a historical section of such. Failing that, if you know where and what race it won contact the stadium and see if they can help cheers
  17. Got my nets from purpleliam also, spot on and good quality.
  18. Because she does'nt fight in the kennel with another dog does'nt mean she was'nt a fighter on the track mate, still hope she turns out for you.
  19. I lived in Oz for 13 years from the early 's until mid 90's but only visited Brisbane the once when i went back there a couple of years ago for a holiday, feckin hot but great city and would recommend it to anybody.
  20. Greengrass


    many happy returns and all that mate .
  21. Go to your nearest flapping track and ask around there, one of the dogmen will point you in the right direction, Armadale has a vet goes there but i'm not sure what days and corbiewood has a vet at 11;30 this sunday. hope this helps.
  22. I've been back to one warren four or five times this season already, and got something every time, i don't think it means your doing anything wrong just because you can go back and catch a rabbit time after time , just different times , different rabbits in the warren.
  23. No problem i'll let you know once the season is over.
  24. I'm in edinburgh, i could give you a couple of young ones if you want once i breed mine this year, give you something to start with for next winter.
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