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Everything posted by Greengrass

  1. I'll get the other photos up for you for the weekend ragamup
  2. cheers i was'nt sure of the name.
  3. Dev, is that some kind of double collar you've got on him in the pictures ?
  4. Johnny, don't know if it's too far for you to travel but i have a polecat hob you can have for free if you want, great wee worker and handles great, i'm in edinburgh, scotland so it might be a bit far for you to travel but it's here for you if you want it.
  5. Nice one Swag, what height is the wee bitch tts ?
  6. Yes mate the other guys have'nt replied, he is still here.
  7. He's yours then mate, i am out most of the day tomorrow but your welcome to come and get him late afternoon or if that does'nt suit we'll make other arrangments, drop me a pm and we'll work something out cheers
  8. No offence taken, at the moment i have one jill who has definetly taken so is in by herself , in another cage i have a hob and jill ( the hob has had the snip) and in the third cage is the hob that mated the jill in the first cage, so three cages, two terriers and a pigeon loft, , as it stands i can't see myself getting another blade of grass never mind a cage so i thought i would offer him to someone either starting off or who needs a hob, nothing underhand he is genuinely a good wee ferret or if i did'nt think so he would not be offered, hope this clarifies cheers.
  9. Niddrie mate, so not far from you, come and get him if you want , you won't be disapionted in his attitude, loves his work.
  10. Got some of strong stuff, have to say they are top class and look as if they will last a good while.
  11. He's 2 mate, and here if you want him, as i say , he is a wee cracker and will work well for whoever gets him.
  12. Great little worker, i just don't have the space as i'm breeding a kit for my young lad and don't have enough cages to keep him seperate, great to handle and worked all last season without fault. I am in Edinburgh if anybody is interested.
  13. I'll meet up with jambo and get a couple of better ones for you mate, have you got any recent ones of your wee pup. all the best
  14. Ragumup, here's some photos of my mates dog that is a litter brother to yours, the farmer dispatched the fox and jambo who owns the pup gave the little un a good rag at at , photos are'nt the best but we'll try to get some more up shortly, jambo's dog is the one with the collar on all the best
  15. I think it's some kind of north welsh perversion
  16. Any opinions on the Brightmoor stuff ?
  17. Don't see why it should'nt be spannable ! just because you have'nt seen one pip does'nt mean they are'nt out there :search:
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