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Everything posted by Greengrass

  1. They have too much time and money on their hands.
  2. Slightly off thread, swansea jack did you ask your mate if he has a litter planned for later in the year ? cheers
  3. Yeah bud , sold him , i'm going to stick with the smaller terriers
  4. bud9 what happened to the pup you kept back originally ?
  5. Are you sure about the 506 miles for £45 ? don't you mean kilometres maybe. cheers
  6. £100 for the dog now as i have to have him away as soon as possible. cheers
  7. good stuff mate, thanks for putting that up
  8. put it up if you want mate anything is better than nothing, how's the dogs coming along with you ?
  9. check your e-mail account Matt just sent the photos to you
  10. Tried it S, even got my missus to try but it is not letting us upload for some reason, thanks anyway
  11. sorry i can't get the photos to upload for some reason
  12. Will try to get photos uploaded today for those who have enquired cheers
  13. Thanks for the texts i will forward the photos as soon as i can, probably within the hour cheers
  14. As above, approx 24-25" gets on great with all other dogs been brought up alongside my wee terrier and is no bother at all. Lives in or out, fully jabbed up and wormed regularly i can't get photos to upload tonight but can e-mail them if anybody is interested and will try to get photos onto the forum tomorrow. Price is £150 - dog is in edinburgh, Scotland Ph- 07828 546 069 cheers
  15. Seen some nice ones in Oz , don't see them over here nearly as much mate.
  16. One hob one jill, hob is a good wee worker, the jill is last years and i have'nt had time to try her out . Ideally i'd like them to maybe go to a youngster or someone starting off, not looking for anything for them, they are not culls just as i say i have'nt got the time I,m in Edinburgh ,scotland if anybody is interested. cheers
  17. How are yours acting at 9 months Dev ? are they giving off the right signs cheers
  18. Do they cost the same as your normal motor to tax, or are they one of the cars that the goverment is going to hammer because it has a large engine ? cheers
  19. Heard the river burst it's banks, and with a frost on the way the meeting might be in doubt
  20. sounds like she might make up into a decent little bitch Trev, all the best with her.
  21. I think Hawk is going to be huge at stud, there's not that many westmead dogs that throw on it's more so the bitches in my opinion but i think he'll be one that will really make a name for himself.
  22. I've never heard of sperm being taken from a dead dog succesfully, know matter how fresh it was, in fact i've never heard of anybody even trying to get sperm from a recently expired animal.
  23. surely the sperm would have to be collected before the dog died ??????????
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