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Everything posted by Greengrass

  1. She would nt last two minutes with my missus ....and that's on a going day.
  2. Stick in the the car Jigsaw, no chance of getting stopped I don't think, find a homesick lad coming home to see Mammy and Daddy and you,ll be right as rain .
  3. You'll get used to it mate. Best bit is when you open your spec case when your out and your specs aren't in there Cheers, D. Aye there on your head already.
  4. I used to laugh at mates having to put on the Gregory's, not now lads Was out tonight with some younger chaps shall we say and felt exposed
  5. Coursing is huge for them, I forget the name of the dogs but did,nt some Asians have a good dog go along way in the last ever Waterloo cup ? I know it did,nt win it but it was,nt far away unless my memories gone completely
  6. It's not much fun when the years catch up on you, I can see for miles but having to put on the Gregory Pecks when somebody asks me to look at something is,nt much fun. It,ll come to you all mind !
  7. ?...a dead game dog is one that takes its death rather than quit...its deadOh no it's not ....Its all got a bit pantomime now...if you think that a deadgame dog isnt a dog thats dead...then you clearly dont know what your talking about...a game dog is one that wont quit at its task no matter what...a deadgame dog dies seeing the job through...historicaly speaking..the clues in the word...'Dead'What about this instance then Brindle, a fella who we went to visit kept a big yard, part of his learning about the dogs he went and worked for the Rebel -Ricky Jones as a general yard boy. Says he saw w
  8. ?...a dead game dog is one that takes its death rather than quit...its deadOh no it's not ....Its all got a bit pantomime now...if you think that a deadgame dog isnt a dog thats dead...then you clearly dont know what your talking about...a game dog is one that wont quit at its task no matter what...a deadgame dog dies seeing the job through...historicaly speaking..the clues in the word...'Dead'What about this instance then Brindle, a fella who we went to visit kept a big yard, part of his learning about the dogs he went and worked for the Rebel -Ricky Jones as a general yard boy. Says he saw w
  9. How does everyone get tarred by association ? Unless your going to run to the newspapers and tell them about this thread I fail to see what damage is being done . It might not be your cup of tea but as I,ve stated ...don,t like it don,t read it. You seem to be taking a lot of interest in the thread for someone who takes offence to it with all due respect.
  10. Not as simple as that is it....we all get tarred with the same brush by association Do we ? I take it your nothing to do with Northern Lads Ch Billy then ?
  11. If you don't like it don't read it ...simples.
  12. Let's not spoil a good thread by publicly going down the what's sport and what's not route , keep it private IMO.
  13. Probably a bit dated now but a good book in its day, I still think the conditioning side of things is the biggest single factor in the dogs, maybe wrong but just my opinion
  14. And yes Dog fox, like him or loathe him he knew his shit.
  15. Without wishing to sound unkind the bloke sounds like a f****n idiot !.....So he takes an exceptionally game dog to its death,remarkably gets the dog going again..............and then thinks i know lets go back and scratch him again just to make sure !!! " IF " its a true story.....animals dying and then coming back to life are not exactly every day occurences are they so i hardly think it alters the term dead game Not something I,d do Gnasher but different strokes for different folks, by all accounts the Rebel was,nt a very likeable individual, but the fella we stayed with said he spent a
  16. Sorry about the delay in the above post I had,nt had a look at the thread in a couple of days.
  17. ?...a dead game dog is one that takes its death rather than quit...its deadOh no it's not .... Its all got a bit pantomime now...if you think that a deadgame dog isnt a dog thats dead...then you clearly dont know what your talking about...a game dog is one that wont quit at its task no matter what...a deadgame dog dies seeing the job through...historicaly speaking..the clues in the word...'Dead'What about this instance then Brindle, a fella who we went to visit kept a big yard, part of his learning about the dogs he went and worked for the Rebel -Ricky Jones as a general yard boy. Says he saw
  18. I dare say a lot of animals will if in a bad spot....humans included, I know I,d like to think I would, would,nt you ?
  19. ?...a dead game dog is one that takes its death rather than quit...its deadOh no it's not ....
  20. So breeding from a dead game dog would be ideal
  21. It's a chicken and egg question, if you could find the formula then it's game over.
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