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Everything posted by Greengrass

  1. Thing is he does,not have a heart as previously shown
  2. Working with a bloke that used to be a van assistant ( I am a driver ) vocal as anything it was all anti company blah blah blah , find out as we re leaving work today that he has been promoted to our boss !!! Now if you met this fella you would call him Billy no mates straight away horrible horrible little man with the wee man syndrome ripping out of him . Suggestions how to f**k this turncoat over would be appreciated .
  3. Did,nt turn up ? He never showed one 1% of heart , it was a sham .
  4. At the risk of offending Tyson's followers, he's a f***ing bum, in all honesty anybody who follows boxing knows that these two might have been fighting for numerous belts but really if you can say hand on heart that that was a genuine world title fight then you need your heads examined, what would Ali, Norton, Frazier, Bowe, and even spinks have done to these two ? And you have to ask yourself where are the rest of the heavyweights ? f**k knows who the Ukraine boxer has been. Beating for the last nine years but let me say there must be good heavyweights out there in America , or the UK that
  5. I pay £1 a kilo direct from a local butcher, it's not guaranteed what you'll get in the bag but the dogs seem to love it, stools are good so it'll do me.
  6. what if you have little pups and big hands?Then use your own judgement, what did you use as a guideline Rob ?
  7. He definetly sired pups over there tiny tiger, have a look on Data and you will see mate
  8. I was always told it was to be to the knuckle on your finger next to your thumb
  9. Sorry I meant to add I was talking about Top Honcho, and just to add IMO loads of greyhound breeders go back to the same sire time and time again, rightly or wrongly I don't know but they must be selling the pups to someone.
  10. Tiny tiger your wrong, he did cover bitches in Australia ...Fact. He won the South Australian Derby I think it was but that's not one of the big races over there although the prize money would put our big races to shame.
  11. One of the greatest greyhound sires Ireland has ever seen never threw nothing in Australia before he came here.
  12. The imitation of life, guaranteed hankie job
  13. As said previously it is going to happen in Britain, I,d round up these extremists families and send the lot of them home. All these so called refugees ...do what Australia does, turn the boats around, if you f***ing sink then it,s your bad luck for trying to sneak in the back door anyway, the Aussies just send them back out to sea...f**k off and Don,t come back
  14. minority my arse, they're attacking all different ways, by raping our women n kids as well.I disagree, the minority are causing this bother, for too many years politicians have f****d about making excuses for these people to come here and live for whatever reason, not all Asians are bad , if you think they are then your as bad as them, yes there are bad ones, we white folk have plenty of wrong uns too in case you had,not noticed , Close the borders to ALL immigrants now...no excuses ...the gates are shut. Then start dealing with the problem that is here already
  15. Stop all foreign aid to any country that can be proven to be sponsoring this lot, sanctions imposed let the people over there starve, then they might start turning against the minority that are causing this carnage.
  16. Innocent people out for a night at the theatre or just going into Paris itself , no logic for these killings , you have to wonder how much longer our leaders are going to make excuses for the c**ts that are doing this. It has to stop or be stopped ...now.
  17. Throw the book at them, and any British or other athletes that are exposed also.
  18. Making sure the agencies that test for them are properly funded and independent would be a start Making PEDs legal to use would open up so many chances for abuse it'd be a disaster, young kids just getting into sport being pressured to use them etc you really don't believe they are pressured into taking drugs nowadays? Go watch the documentary Bigger, Faster, Stronger. The agencies are corrupt and are bought off, go read up on the Mayweather scandal. The man is almost certainly a lying, cheating two faced hypocrite. Accusing Pacquiao of cheating and of his team wanting to clean up
  19. beef is a lump of bacon that comes from a cow ? f**k off and get educated you p***y c**t
  20. Looking for a couple of youngsters in or around Edinburgh. Cheers
  21. Anybody got a couple of youngsters available for my son to be going on with, in Edinburgh but can travel a reasonable distance if required. Cheers in advance.
  22. I have a wee terrier on Arkwrights ( spelling ) stools are perfect, also have a 4 month pup on kirklands food from Costco, in my opinion the best value/ quality of feed you,lol buy in a sack.
  23. It's a cd I need to get it on as part of a present
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