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Everything posted by Gilbey

  1. If it's the same footage thats in the trailer, that someone put on here ages ago, it's pacing behind wire in its cage
  2. You've said loads of times that the DNA labs are unreliable, you've sent zoo samples in as a test and they have come back as something else etc etc. Maybe just applies when it's not the answer you want? Personally wouldn't trust these big cat experts that carry stuffed cats about for talks and hang round zoos
  3. It's not salukis and saluki crosses that are the problem, it's some of the coursing breds. Obviously just some. Few have said their early stuff was harder etc
  4. Seen folk using Supablend Pearls, chicks seem fine??
  5. The modern day scratch racers look closer to the real old time coursing greyhounds imo
  6. Gilbey

    Spot the Fox

    Middle, going under rail?
  7. Crush a few barbs as a experiment ? With bigger trout at night or whatever there's no messing about, just follow the line down with your finger and pull it out
  8. Aye if it's proper infrared you won't see it
  9. Yeah worms are a issue, I just thread the first part right up the shank?? The coarse lot use little bits of rubber but I've never tried it
  10. Yeah but you use it looking through night vision. Could be talking about different things mind Don't bother with lamp filters personally
  11. Be for night vision not dogs
  12. Yeah barbless work fine, much easier. I do even less than you at min though..
  13. Is there still plenty of saluki lurchers and bull lurchers etc being advertised? On Facebook or whatever, because you don't see them on the pet sites etc like you did
  14. 1840 officially, but they are in paintings etc before that
  15. Yes we all know that, shite diet and mange etc for generations. But all country ferals aren't big are they, just some. The small/normal/big all hunt
  16. You get the odd big rat/fox, are they "adapting" or "evolving"? Or have they just been doing well for themselves
  17. Even the chap who filmed that thinks it's not a leopard, he's changed parts and thinks it could be a wildcat cross now. I have to agree about ferals, in towns and around dairy farms they are normal or under sized, but out in the country you get some brutes..
  18. Another vote for Aldi, dirt some of that pet stuff. And game etc
  19. Gilbey

    First Cuckoo

    No cuckoo yet, swallows on the 4th
  20. Found a few ferrets over the years, all polecat hobs in poor condition and covered in ticks, don't remember them all round the ears like that though. Not sure if the poor condition was ticks pulling them down or lack of food, maybe both
  21. Think it's interesting that the black cat sightings seem to have replaced the black dogs ? Slightly similar thing, there is meant to be haunted places round here and ghosts etc. Folk have seen a person on the side of the road, anyway my dad was talking to someone who lives miles further along and he described seeing exactly the same thing as everybody else (including my gran) only he hit it with the car, jumped out looked all over/under with a torch nothing, then realized there was no bang? I've seen feck all anywhere, one of my dogs used to drop back on the lead at the above place a
  22. I watched the crufts hound group just gone, most of the runners were weird freaky things you wouldn't have given. Sure the two I've mentioned used to be more saluki like, maybe not?? The flyball dogs are better mind, lots of non ped whippet types
  23. Just thought about it. As a kid I'd see sloughis and azawakhs in the saluki books/mags and they always got my attention, the same as smooth desert bred salukis. My mother is the same with pharaoh hounds..
  24. No bother lol, the non ped one was a pedigree, and the pedigree one wasn't it
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