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Gilbey last won the day on June 14 2017

Gilbey had the most liked content!

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1,470 Excellent

About Gilbey

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  1. I'd make them taller personally, be easier cleaning them etc plus you could put a plank along the bottom if they were taller, to keep shavings in. Bigger all round if they were living in them..
  2. They'll be breeding cages/hob cages, he had a big pen for them the rest of the time
  3. It was Indie and Carson that went back to Wee Bob and Indian Joe. The stud dog Pepsi, Twister, Shorty, are meant to be a saluki dog to a whip grey type bitch, like said.
  4. You were on about its brother just the other day lol.....Maggie the brindle off Lucas
  5. Not their owner, but seen them like that when someone else goes up to them, and with other dogs round game, car boots etc. Fella sounds a prick
  6. Some of them whizz bangers are injury prone...just one of them things I know, but not the best if you want to get out
  7. Freeads adverts them
  8. Could be your feet that's changed.. Dunlop work wellies last and are big for their size imo Probably jinx them but my own wellies are lasting since I went up a size, neoprene lined ones get like slippers
  9. Yeah like them, done some miles and plenty life left in them. They'd be even better and would of had more stick if they were the right fecking size
  10. Think he wanted to run on but they wanted to shake hands? Only time it's been jointly won isn't it
  11. He was joint winner with Fettle in Forley cup against plenty, Tina his daughter won it like said above
  12. Since old enough to do it, always hidden tablets in food for some reason, no bother, might have to do it the "dog man's" way at some point lol but haven't needed to yet
  13. Depends on the area, try a different time to see if it makes a difference. Could be others going on that you don't know about..
  14. Milprazon/milbemax Give mine a small piece of ham then the tablet wrapped in ham, just gulp it down
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