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Everything posted by Jonjon79

  1. I think you're spot on mate - a lot goes through our heads but, we keep it down and crack on and keep providing
  2. That's a nice place to be mate I don't get to see many hedgehogs nowadays but, this one is a regular at one of my yards .....
  3. Jonjon79

    Pet hates.

    Cnuts in the shop that tell me to pick up my dog when she's walking next to me. ......... she's cleaner than you b*****ds. Go near her, she'll be the least of your problems. Cnuts!
  4. Feck me - I could demolish that today Arry
  5. I went old-tech while learning another yard today The staff (key thing) for the ground frame could have been touched by my grandad - unfortunately he died before I joined the railway. .......... it's in the right area though It's just a shame that I'll never know.
  6. A couple of these tonight - to be fair, it's quite nice
  7. Imagine coming out of that door and strolling left without paying attention
  8. I'm sure I'd be out of a job pretty quickly if I tried that caper Boss: so Jon, why did you f**k up the rail network by leaving a train out on the mainline for 3 hours? Me: I'm time-blind boss. Boss: f**k off you dickhead.
  9. Yes, they should get a bollocking for that. ....... the amount of those wankers that are up my arse when I'm over taking in lane 3 really pisses me off. If I'm in my car or work van alone I properly stab the brakes on those twats - I'll happily go from 90 to 20mph if someone is being a knob
  10. In the 80s it would have been a pat on the arse and "good girl"
  11. Orange juice and a flask of coffee for me tonight - I'm on shift until 07:30 tomorrow.
  12. Slow roasted lamb in garlic, rosemary and red wine - the missus cooking today
  13. It's the one that Porky Yorky adapted to fit the Chinese XS type rifles. ......... I can't remember what it's originally from There will be loads of info on the UK Chinese airgun forum - he was on there a lot before he passed away.
  14. They both look good mate. That butt pad suits the Raider
  15. Your body will tell you what it needs - give it what it craves mate, within reason
  16. No worries mate - our lot buy in quite a lot of them from Polyco.
  17. They're ok mate - they protect the back of your knuckles pretty well but, they wear out at the palm in a week if you're heavy handed. I'm on nights in Newport all week if you want to come and grab a pair
  18. Good shift tonight - everything went well and I got all of my trains in and away a little early Apparently that is the longest railway gantry in the country - I have no idea if that's true, it's what one of our lads told me. It supports the overhead power lines outside the yard. The Pheasant berries have ripened a bit early - they're quite nice, they taste like caramel. And, I found out that hedgehogs can get the hump .......... this little one was in the middle of one of the tracks - I think he was too small to climb out over the rail. He was m
  19. Homemade Lasagne before I head off for my night shift
  20. A bit of a mixed bag here - I keep getting rained on when I'm out working on warm nights. I don't mind - it is what it is. The crab apples and conkers seem to be early. I'm seeing the days get shorter - hopefully we'll have a good Indian summer
  21. 10 of us round to mum and dad's for Sunday dinner today - it wasn't planned but, it just ended up that way. Mum loved it. We took the big table outside and had roast beef in the sunshine with her homemade gravy My brothers ex hates guns and anything else that she doesn't agree with A couple of years ago I gave my nieces catapults and a big bag of clay balls. Today I got them having a go on an airgun - they loved it so, I left it round there when I left for them to keep using Their dog's knocking on a bit now but, he enjoyed half of my ice cream. Tha
  22. Feckin posh git with your twisty Bush and miniature tree That '97 looks good mate.
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