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Everything posted by Jonjon79

  1. Well done. Don't forget your rubber gloves.
  2. I love mine. I've tried quite a few of the usual suspects over the last year but, this really is a keeper.
  3. Sounds like a very good evening out. It certainly beats my score last night. On the plus side, I think my rifle enjoyed being taken for a walk
  4. Happy days. Is that a nice new HW100 lurking in the shadows?
  5. I knew you would get some stick for that post lol. Why do you think I haven't mentioned mine, lol
  6. You did nothing wrong mate. People should get to see their faces...... maybe then they'll get the beating that they deserve.
  7. It was the best I could come up with at short notice :-) lol
  8. I have heard today, from an old school friend that works as a senior secretary at the BASC, that the general licence is due to be amended later this year..... She was asked to take minutes at meetings and consultations between the BASC, EU government representatives and the UK Environment agency. I don't have all of the information about the meetings but, apparently, some of the motivations behind the decision include the recent migrant crisis and the lack of ethnic minorities involved in shooting sports. However, these points aren't due to be publicised. The amendment is due to be
  9. I'm not going to click on that video. The pictures an write up are bad enough. I'm also not a violent man but, after reading that, I'd like to get my hands on both of those little pricks. ......that poor dog.
  10. The heaviest I've tried in .177 was H&N Sniper Magnum at 15gr. I found them accurate and, they had a big punch but, they really dropped off after 30yrds. They're not bad out to a max of 25yrds.
  11. I finally got my bottle filled today so, I was able to put 200bar into my new A&M cylinder for the first time and see what I could get from it..... The rifle is an HW100kt .177. For this test, I used its favourite JSB Heavy 10.34gr. I fired full mags from 200bar and recorded the Combro readings for the first 3 and last 3 shots from each mag..... Mag 1: S1. 10.86ftlb - 689fps S2. 11.14ftlb - 698fps S3. 11.06ftlb - 695fps S12. 11.25ftlb - 703fps S13. 11.14ftlb - 698fps S14. 11.08ftlb - 696fps Mag 2: S1. 11.22ftlb - 700fps S2. 11.14ftlb - 698fps S3. 11.15ftlb - 698fps S1
  12. That's a nice read. It shows the type of camaraderie that I keep seeing in this sport. Good luck to all of you. Atb.
  13. I know mate, lol. I was just being arse lol I really must find out how to add smilies.
  14. I've seen some good carving in my time but, your skills are second to none sir. Well done. Very life like.
  15. I was thinking exactly the same thing. Personally, I couldn't give a monkeys if the teacher looks like Grot Bags or like this fine specimen, as long as they're a good teacher.
  16. Ask him straight. Tell him what you've heard and wait for his reaction. Then, if you don't like it, stop giving him a lift. There's nothing wrong with helping someone. I agree that he should have offered something toward the fuel cost. It's a shame that so many people today seem to lack good old fashioned manners.
  17. They are nice guns. Stretch it's legs on some targets - you'll probably find it to be very capable a good way past 35yrds.
  18. The only one I regret selling..... My .177 Cricket with Blodnob shroud.
  19. Cheers guys. She did know when to shoot mate - it won't be long until these young 'uns are nicking our permissions, lol I can see Little Hunter outgrowing airguns in a few years. He sounds like a good lad and a credit to you.
  20. TX200hc .22 walnut stock. Drop in kit fitted. Rowan adjustable butt plate, trigger & trigger guard. Hawke Airmax amx 4-16x50. Twink mk1 silencer.
  21. My hunting rig..... HW100kt .177, Adjustable laminate stock, A&M cylinder and Marksman silencer. Mtc Viper 6-24x56 but, I may swap this with my Falcon 4-14x44, not sure which one I prefer yet.
  22. This is my little 'un with her first rabbit from late last summer. She'd been shooting targets at different ranges for a while and, was doing well. She was using her BSA Goldstar se .177 with Bisley Magnums. We fitted a NS Viper and 23" bipod. It was just right for her to aim while on one knee. We went to my rugby club permission. I carried the rifle and we both looked at the screen to spot the rabbits. I missed an easy 20yrd rabbit in the car park. We walked the usual places where I know they come out. We had 3 goes at getting her down behind the rifle but, they all ran before
  23. Cheers Mac, 'Little hunter' - Good name. It's brilliant that he'll sort the rabbits as well. Although my daughter is happy to watch me, she's not prepared to chop their heads off yet lol. I've found the pic from last year so, I'll start a new thread so that I'm not hijacking this one.
  24. BSA Goldstar! What a fabulous rifle for a young lady shooter to have. That is one of the last great rifles BSA spring rifles made as a home-grown British gunmaker. It is really very encouraging to read about the children of members here picking up where their dads and grandads are and have been in shooting sports. I've spent some magic hours with a my friend AndyFR1968 here and taking his two boys out to shoot with us and training them up to shoot as well as possible. They are growing up fast and enjoy their own shooting days and nights out now. Long may it be so and continue Jon, she so
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