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Miss Lynn

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Everything posted by Miss Lynn

  1. that song and year , bring back big memories for me, was going out with a girl , and was working away at the time. we finished the following year , suppose looking back we were never really suited, think it was just physical attraction she was striking looking female , put 3 years in with her , but took me years and years to get over her, funny how songs hit you I know the feeling in a way. One song in particular will always bring back the flood of memories of one man, not that he is ever far from my mind, and always in my heart. The song....
  2. Mellow is not a bad thing at all now is it....
  3. Something a little special, at least in my heart
  4. I love this song, heard it for the very first time in a local pub, and now I find myself humming or singing it often.... an oldie, but a goodie I think.
  5. It's her phone why isn't she answering it ? Especially if it is a repeated call. Maybe, just maybe, if she answers her own phone the mystery will be solved, and then maybe your mind can rest.
  6. Looks like it doesn't it ? That kind of day, perfected a cottage pie for the third time, took the bathroom taps apart and put them back together with no pieces leftover, broke a electric drill (again ) and learned how to post videos ! I am thinking three out of four is a fair score for a day
  7. It was the first thing that popped up on You Tube when I opened it, that and Johnny Cash, tough decision
  8. Welcome to the club. Thank you much *taking a bow*
  9. Yes ! Many thanks to Stealthy1 and Tiercel !
  10. Help Please ! I am completely dumbfounded as to how to post a video clip on a thread. I have tried to find the FAQ section of the site but have not been successful. Any and all help would be gratefully appreciated ! Thank you in advance, Lynn
  11. Oops, sorry folks. I guess I need to find the FAQ section on posting videos !
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