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Miss Lynn

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Everything posted by Miss Lynn

  1. Trudeau, is gutless, useless and he bleeds lies, and that is just the frosting on the cake of him. He rode in on the coat tail of his Father, and he was priceless, not ! Lynn
  2. First off these are the Covid19 numbers and facts relevant to CANADA. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Outbreak daily update https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection.html#a1 These are the numbers and facts relevant to INFLUENZA in CANADA. FluWatch is Canada's national surveillance system that monitors the spread of the flu and other flu-like illnesses on an ongoing basis. Flu reports that contain information on flu activity in Canada are posted online every Friday. These reports have been reported weekly for as long as
  3. In honour of Sam, and roast beef, and country walks, and as always Peter....
  4. Better a blatant bitch than a someone who lives off of the lives of other because they have no lives of their own ?
  5. No Sir, I am just one of those people that everybody wants to tell their secrets to. That, topped up by the fact that I am a Blatant B!tch. I hate gossip. straight up talk, and nothing more. Many more interesting things to talk about in this lifetime than gossip. Lynn
  6. I spoke with the neighbour she says she will not get rid of the dog, and in the next breath she said that she wishes it would just die or she will kill it. I am going to speak to the local animal shelter, and authorities, to see what can be done. She kicks it and has been seen by neighbors to use a an electric device that can cause pain in a dog. She has been a nasty piece of work in all parts of her life since I first me her 38 years ago. She once said that she looked for mental health advice after her first marriage ended, and after a long period of therapy that did not help, the therap
  7. Sorry gentlemen to bother you, but I have come to my wits end. My neighbour across the way lets her dog roam as it please when it comes to shitting and urination, she is too lazy to actually take the dog out herself. He seems to have taken to my property and a certain area just under my bedroom window. I do not want to hurt the dog for the sake of her ignorance, but I do very much need to stop him from doing it any longer. The grass and the shrubs are dying and turning brown and the flowers are just rank with smell that floats up through my bedroom window. He is a VERY OVERWEIGHT beagle
  8. Thanks for that ! I felt like such a dunce ? Lynn
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