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Everything posted by Bill196510

  1. I left a phone in my car while I was shopping and some scumbag was looking at my new tyres lol
  2. Leave something out thats stealable,and see which neighbour nicks it lol
  3. Oh yeah,you can record what you see on Alfred app You can use security cam app app looks like red eye,it emails you pics of intruders
  4. Not sure where to post this one lol But its such an important post, Download Alfred from play store on both phones and choose which phone to be camera and which to be viewer,both need internet connection Just open app to see what's going on in your garden lol
  5. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Df10zaurmSWY4bkZ4eUJQRW8/view?usp=docslist_api
  6. Why do you put bull in a sal x as our's is 1st cross 2nd gen, can catch anything, and he's 10 now
  7. http://s1095.photobucket.com/user/Hillyo/media/c8e09663-a365-425a-8dfa-ecd25f55a74d.png.html Looks like a scene from animal farm po#n lol
  8. Any breed can seem useless,disobedient,headstrong,you just need to form good habits, if a dog is let off the lead too much it will not not see that it's place is by your side,never let a pup do something that you don't want it to do when it's an adult,I have a boreder/lakelandxwhippet,she was so hard to train,she's 2 1/2 now and not been worked, she now walks to heel through ppl kids dogs chickens, retrieves to hand jumps, responds to whispered commands, Just keep it on the lead if it's disobedient, train it while it's on the lead, never let it see any prey till it's trained to the standard
  9. Hope she not having pups.she's 3 in July and 16". She's like a cross between Bruce Lee and a golf gti :-)
  10. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Df10zaurma252YzZEVFlPX2c/view?usp=docslist_api
  11. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Df10zaurmZ2NUTjB3bEI1T1k/view?usp=docslist_api
  12. He is the only male around lol https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Df10zaurmSWY4bkZ4eUJQRW8/view?usp=docslist_api
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