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Everything posted by Bill196510

  1. https://www.dropbox.com/s/n60f13ybips3qp1/DSC_0200.JPG?dl=0
  2. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qb19sq57fylw3sv/IMG_20151206_101541.jpg?dl=0
  3. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2zzt66dzmm78irm/20150821_171604.jpg?dl=0
  4. I throw a ball for mine in a wood with steep banks,30/40 yds in all bumpy conditions,really hard graft,teaches accurate picking up,10 runs,then couple minute rest,50 runs in total 5 days a week,has to be seen to be believed,she is cross between,Bruce Lee and a golf gti :-)
  5. Hand mated ? What does that involve lolololololo
  6. I'm in Norfolk at moment.168 miles south of alfreton.75 mph winds.heading north soon lol back to shitty alfreton :-/
  7. Cool looking dogs, house dogs are more intelligent.as they learn more/ get spoken to more, and learn quicker, at 7 weeks old our sal x grey was sitting and lying. Got him at 4 weeks
  8. Butchers was next to news agents that was next door to 166 Mayfield Alfreton is full of charity shops.glastonbury is full of hippy crystal shops lol
  9. I lived at 66 Mayfield Rd,nr chippy.butchers and fishing tackle shop.
  10. I'm in alfreton now lol beruit with a tesco :-/ No rabbits there.or work.just thieving scumbags lol Wish I was on the Rd again.
  11. I been from Glasgow to south coast.Wales was mental, police are deranged lol Kent was good.west coast Scotland brilliant. Norfolk full of hares.but too much flint to run digs :-/
  12. I lived on the rd with my daughter for 11 1/2 yrs, was plenty at chelmortan till about 7 yrs ago,but lincolnshire was best,our sal x supplied our winter food,he caught an alpacker once lol
  13. Derbyshire is crap for rabbits since about 7 yrs ago
  14. Your prob. Right about that as oils are lost.but mine not bathed very often lol Rather like me :-)
  15. Inside dogs are just as weatherproof as outside ones.my 16" border/lakeland x whippet. Really short fur.will retrieve from you water in freezing tempretures No weather botheres her.it's like siberia in winter here lol Flagg Derbyshire. Our sal x grey lamps in bad hail stones And don't care. If you slept in a wooden box on straw would that toughen you up ? Or weaken you. We have 2 outside terriers.that are no tougher in wet weather than the inside ones.toughness is a mental state lol
  16. Our dogs have short fur,they never smell And inside dogs protect your house,our sal x would play with your liver if you entered :-)
  17. Our dogs have short fur,they never smell And inside dogs protect your house,our sal x would play with your liver if you entered :-)
  18. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B49Df10zaurmSWY4bkZ4eUJQRW8/view?usp=docslist_api Inside dogs still hunt the same,cats still catch mice and they live inside lol
  19. You saved them up over the year,still got freezer bag on one of them :-)
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