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Everything posted by Havelightforcewilltravel

  1. A think Rex a 2nd gen bull x and fly out of tigger if me memory serves me right.But a may be wrong lol
  2. The ones I have seen are up and at them aggressive types that want to kill but the dam to them was also like that.
  3. A was stuck for a runner few seasons ago as only had pups and were to young to run so a friend said a could use his old bitch who was 6 never seen lamp in her life only ran daytime was a very good bitch in her day nearly 3/4 saluki her 2nd night on lamp killed 37 out 40 runs so a think any dog with obidence training and fit can kill decent numbers if there there to be killed.
  4. Your telling me slipping out hands or put none more in bag yet it gets heavier ???
  5. Had decent bags off place every time we go don’t hammer it week after week go when weather decent too.I will get some pics up.
  6. He covered a fair few bitchs over past few weeks.
  7. 67 last season with a saluki lurcher bitch could defo carried on but was sick carrying rabbits lol witnesses there to went on and caught few other bits nd pieces.
  8. Mother a good worker and puds hob a cracker too let me know how they turn out plz ?
  9. View Advert Busher Sire springer beagle Dam cocker beagle Both parents very good workers this bitch is 11 month old working cover well speaks stock broke broke to ferrets jumps genuine sale please no daft comments I have tried to place her so a can keep her but not working out,can put anyone who buys her in touch with lad that bred her. Advertiser Havelightforcewilltravel Date 24/06/18 Price
  10. Hello and welcome what part Northumberland you from ?
  11. Everyone s opinion is different for perfect all rounder.Get dog bred what suits you and your needs.
  12. Can u put link up for chronicle please.
  13. People prefer certain xs and get set in there ways or for what they do that dogs the right x for them just human nature,a run saluki lurchers as for what a do there the perfect all rounder.But that don’t mean there everyone’s perfect all rounder.
  14. It’s each to there own the bull x in right hands off right breeding excel at what there bred for but the same can be said for all other xs to 1 person and we’re he runs a certain x may be the perfect all rounder but to someone else will be no use.
  15. Is the dog still keen for work ? There’s lot different reasons but you will only know yourself as you were there when dog done what he done if you can live with him making mistakes he staysif you can’t he has to go.1 thing though you will always be waiting for him to make a mistake now.
  16. Lot lads started coursing pups off on these but take average adult dog up and won’t miss many.
  17. Glad you got back safe and sound ? bet some off here wishing you froze to death ???
  18. We been stood down since Tuesday on £27 pound a day, Kids off school too wind real bad here at min.
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