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About Havelightforcewilltravel

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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    Uk northumberland

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  1. That’s 100% correct if you don’t take 2 motors your goosed there is no way on this earth any quarry gets in motor with dogs with me and yes a have left stuff a will admit it not right a know but just way it is.
  2. Nothing worse than that long drive home,lamping hangover we call it.
  3. Some dogs know how to anchor some don’t seen big dogs go for walk holding a roe and little dogs anchor them.
  4. A think when starting a dog off if he keeps grabbing arse end taking them off and putting them on throat helps, but once they had few they need to work it out themselves and arse grabbers going to get towed if taking Roe upwards.
  5. No disrespect at all but you can tell that’s an out an out coursing dog that you don’t really like doing deer because dog should changed it’s hold and had proper throat hold never kill roe holding back of neck.And a run saluki crosses was just making a point.There’s dogs that make meal out of killing deer but if that’s your game they have to hit them then learn when time is right to change hold .
  6. Did you run her at all ? She looks nice racy bitch she looks like big bitch tbf
  7. How was greyhound bred just curious what was her GBGB name if you don’t mind me asking,thanks in advance.Dogs look well and a know they do what it says on tin
  8. A think Max 10 now a will double check with Eddie.
  9. Ultimate dog bus but pure pulling material which ever end country your in.
  10. Possible reaction? Cold hose get swelling down and arnica gel if no joy some kind foreign body or infection.
  11. File nail down. Steep in cold water with hose pointed at toe 4 times a day.
  12. Looking at redness a would say something in it or infection looks angry not bruised.Any holes ?
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