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Everything posted by MEG

  1. video off bells first catch and retreive sorry for quality of video
  2. have permision up that way very wet at moment alot off sets flooded
  3. out tonight lamping a few bunnies. farmer asked me to check round barns to see if ther was many rats about.walked up to door and put the lamp on gyp was off the lead when suddenly a few pigeons flew out the door gyp jumped up in the air and grabbed 1 and then carried it to me wagging her tail ended up with 9 bunnies and a woody
  4. took my pup bell ferreting for the first time yesterday only 7 months old .gyp come to. bell seems to be getting the idea only managed to get afew pics had my hands full caught half dozen good experience for pup.
  5. acouple had young in them the rest were bucks
  6. went out with me pal for a few bunnies managed to shoot two big ears and the dog retreived them .not much about
  7. u are saying he will run off with dummy try and find aplace u can throw the dummy that is neer his keennel or if he is house dog from the back door usually they will try and take the object to were there bed is.also try adiff object to retreive try dryed rabbit skin rolled up .or try tennis ball and make more exciting buy bouncing it in front off him .also when he does return it praise him up.when u throw something or he catches something and he wont retreive do not walk up to him try walking away still calling him. if he picks up item and starts retreive try kneeling down so your the same le
  8. video off my pup retrieving over obstacle
  9. went out tonight moon kept coming out but stil managed to catch afew. shot 4 hares gyp retrieved 3 bess retrieved 1 and they caught 4 rabbits apiece. sorry about the qaulity of the pics.
  10. never sell her frank .she will be with me until the end I know that mate. Just having the craic. Your a decent dog man, i can see that, keep up the good work.
  11. collie whippet Thanks meg whats the height of your dog twenty two & half inches
  12. never sell her frank .she will be with me until the end
  13. i never run dog while in season. read something about the hormone changes can do damage to muscle tissue
  14. went out for a shine out the back fields
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