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Everything posted by speedlamper

  1. north pole, just lie down in the snow every night and watch the northern lights with not a soul for miles around me
  2. pliolite? are you mad? never in my life have i seen such a mess from painting a small garage wall! and to top it off its f**kin solvent based making it 10 times harder to clean up. any acyrlic based masonory paint will do the job aslong you follow a few guidelines the wall is dry, sound, free from flaking paint and any mould/fungi growth. previously unpainted walls have been given a good coat of stablising solution. fungus and algae growth have been treated with a good antifungicidal( make sure your new paint contains this, most now do) plenty of drying time before any rain
  3. pliolite? are you mad? never in my life have i seen such a mess from painting a small garage wall! and to top it off its f**kin solvent based making it 10 times harder to clean up. any acyrlic based masonory paint will do the job aslong you follow a few guidelines the wall is dry, sound, free from flaking paint and any mould/fungi growth. previously unpainted walls have been given a good coat of stablising solution. fungus and algae growth have been treated with a good antifungicidal( make sure your new paint contains this, most now do) plenty of drying time before any rain
  4. :laugh: isnt stffordshire part of the midlands?
  5. has to be cream if your set on the green, the darker the green the lighter the cream should be
  6. personally i think greens the worse colour you could paint it, i've done a few green exterior's in the last few years and all where done 2 years previously which is nothing for an outside but algae and moss was starting to grow all up the walls and it looked f**kin awful, i know the masonry they used had antifungicidal in it and that did nothing to stop it, what made it worse ws they wanted it changing to a light cream colour which took four coats to cover the green so bear that in mind, i've just done my outside this week, stayed with the same colours, black and white and its amazin the diffe
  7. the first vet thought f**k him, its probably his fault his dog swallowed a fishing hook
  8. god i f****n hate christmas, best thing about it is boxing day .... 364 days til christmas
  9. Ye took the words right out of my mouth! More f*ckin tasty than salad, that's for sure! tell ya another thing aswell! there's no way on earth SantaCruzDad got that fat eating vegetable samaso's and onion bahji's! meat and tatt pie's maybe!!!
  10. speedlamper

    Need help.

    amazon's good for vhs, new and second hand over 11,000 titles on video more than half undera fiver http://www.amazon.co.uk/b/ref=amb_link_195...;pf_rd_i=573398
  11. that veganonthenet would get it, i'd give her some meat to chew on
  12. this month alone my dog has had over £1000 pounds worth of vets bills for xrays, surgery, tablets and consulations after screwing her ligaments up and having metal plates put in here back legs, do you hear me complaining???? no because i'd rather pay less than £1 a day for dog insurance and let them fecka's pay! i wonder how many people who have been moaning are charity workers?? or do they expect paying at the end of the week same as there vet!
  13. i think i've got it! im spitting feathers
  14. Well you really only have those two options drink or women :kiss: lol or suicide :laugh: Hey you dont wont to be doing that, or do you not great options were they not really just cos i dont drink doesnt mean i dont make up for it in other ways
  15. Well you really only have those two options drink or women :kiss: lol or suicide :laugh:
  16. women are enough to drive anyone to drink :laugh:
  17. i'll just have to carry on being inadequete, shy and unassertive then
  18. Its stiring you right in the face hun TAKE UP DRINKING ewww no that isn't ever gonna happen Ok 2nd attempt when you brush your teeth do you use mouth wash? i dont need to because i dont have stale ale breath
  19. Its stiring you right in the face hun TAKE UP DRINKING ewww no that isn't ever gonna happen
  20. · Do you have feelings of inadequacy? YES · Do you suffer from shyness? YES · Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive? YES but i dont drink so i cant be cured :cry:
  21. Oh your so funny you are , i wish i did have one costs me 3 quid to get to work each day build yourself a hang glider
  22. you've got your free bus pass anyway
  23. nope but how hard can it be, im a quick learner :laugh: course you can my dear, whats left of it anyway, you find it at the bottom of the roaches lower tier in buxton
  24. how much are they roughly and where from bud
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