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Everything posted by speedlamper

  1. christ dont say that sure then there will be a rule dont smoke and drive be lethal everyone stoned off there faces tho know a few fellas that do alot of lamping that smoke while on the lamp its isnt half funny watching the lads going over ditchs oh no f**k that, tis nice having a smaoke when you get back to the car though
  2. half the time its the feckin parents buying the stuff ban f****n alcohol i say! everyone should go out and get stoned on a friday night instead, nobody could be arsed fighting or giving shit then and the only things gettin robbed would be sweety shops
  3. I used to have a thing about Roache, Kay. He was my ideal older man then :tongue4: Moll. what about burnside? my ma's fave lol
  4. Does your trunheon flick out & have a strap in the side of it then there's no strap on my truncheon
  5. that was many moons ago full of sexy wpc's now who need handcuffing and a good seeing to with my truncheon
  6. im refusing to watch it! the b*****ds put it on instead of the bill
  7. damm just lent my sis my camera to, phone will have to do
  8. its people like you that has given hunting and feildsports such bad press, i too never liked cats till my mrs persuaded me to get one and their really good pets, as i said i used to hate them then i grew up and learned to respect all animals no matter what it is!!! scott Dont worry about it Scott, his dog mus'nt be up to much if it takes 5mins Good luck with the kittens Moll. cos she's soft as f**k, could take any lurcher on though no meither
  9. thats probably the best one about but even thats shite, save your money and get swat 4, best game ever
  10. she's not that bad wouldnt want a blow job off her though Oh are you a bit down tonight nothing you couldnt sort out
  11. she's not that bad wouldnt want a blow job off her though
  12. In pleasure or fear?! bit of both
  13. you got it Oh god thats what she'll be screaming Who the lucky lady
  14. you got it Oh god thats what she'll be screaming
  15. im still waiting for the perfect woman
  16. i bought a chainsaw a few years back, in the instructionmanual it said 'do not try to stop the chain with your hands' glad they told me
  17. one previous owner that passed away in front of the fire
  18. my mummy says chat rooms are dangerous because there full of strange people
  19. found this on ebay! that what your after how is the design being put on the tshirt?
  20. i believe everyone of this planet is eqeul, it doesnt matter where you were born where your ancestors are from or anything, everyone should have the chance of a better life even if that means living in another country, how many people on here have said theyed love to go live in canada or australia because there sick of the way this country heading? what the differance between that and a say a muslim coming over here for a better standard of living? the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and 7/7 were a load of bollocks, the uk and us goverments were to blame for them not some cave dwelling radical isla
  21. how could anyone do this, somebody must know who this
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