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Everything posted by speedlamper

  1. saw them in the paper the other day, pretty hot, there name sounds like something the french clean there kettle with though
  2. yea right and i suppose the easter bunny and santa claus dont exist either
  3. i think you'll fnd this is his other half
  4. not really, days off are boring I don't know mate, if some womens smell of fish, maybe a mermaids chuff smells like a woman?
  5. bet there fannys stink to :sick:
  6. haaha, was a discussion i was having with freinds last night after a few smokes your tellin me you wouldnt slip these a length
  7. speedlamper

    dvd copying

    only for close ups
  8. speedlamper

    dvd copying

    nah im special, they wank me off
  9. would you shag a mermaid? every mermaid i've seen (pictures) have looked pretty tasty, if you can get past the fishy tale that is
  10. speedlamper

    dvd copying

    just so you know the reproduction and distribution of beastiality videos and dvds is strictly prohibited on this site, nobodys wants to see you wankin a donkey off!
  11. speedlamper

    dvd copying

    all burners will slow down your pc a little when running, nero's the best you can get tho
  12. speedlamper

    dvd copying

    you still need the software, http://www.nero.com/eng/downloads-nero8-trial.php
  13. speedlamper

    dvd copying

    media players only for audio, you need a program like nero for dvds
  14. its popular tv host Dale Winton
  15. speedlamper

    big girls

    feck me, you'd roll over 3 times and still be on top of her :sick:
  16. told ya http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...c=46454&hl=
  17. are you already running on vista tess?
  18. sorry i do apolagise.. 9! the point im making which you all seem to have missed is the olympic games is a international sporting event where many countries come together to compete and shouldnt be used as a chance to flex our muscles and say look what our pilots can do, dont f**k with us
  19. well if were getting personal your obviously a cock sucking faggot with a thing for pilots, you said in a previous post the red arrows promoted the raf, why would an armed force need promoting? its not like there a brand name, your right on one thing the opening ceromonary is to promote the games and host country but not with the military
  20. could of snowed here but i've only just got up so i wouldnt know
  21. Really? and you could fly better ? and defending the country doesn,t entail recruiting new pilots? So are the red arrows the best arobatic flying team in the world? or are they SHITE? answers please! the red arrows display team are shite not the pilots who happen to be in the armed forces and shouldnt the best in world actually be doing there job defending the country and flying in wars or does that not need doing on saturdays when there down the local fete, i wonder what percentage of our taxes pay for this, how much can flying 10 fighter planes times a year cost?
  22. might put a couple of quid on contraband, just a guess and you just dont call a horse simon
  23. you obviously are a silly little boy with no knowledge of the armed forces or what role they play both in war or peacetime, the british RAF are the best aviators in the world .... forget fighter school based in lipetsk west which trains the best MIG fighter pilots .... or mirimar the home of the american top guns the best of the best in the world come from britain ... granted the yanks come a close second BUT only because of the money they have to spend on technology ... if they had to fly by the seat of their pants because their instruments whent down they would be a poor second the the RAF .
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