Just a days work mate though I did get over to Lichfield for a coffee and a chat with a very good friend of mine for a couple of hours while the fella watched the game, which was nice
Definitely is mate get the diesel heaters on the boats first thing I do when they star playing up is disconnect the diesel feed and run a gallon of kerosene through them to clean them out and bring them back to life
If it’s one of those cheap Chinese heaters they will run on veg oil, dirty engine oil diesel or kerosene kerosene runs hotter and cleaner and will keep your unit running much longer without shooting up and as it’s the same price or cheaper than diesel I’d stick with kero all day long mate
The area round the zoo has been an active one for years cats in captivity still come into season, which attracts others from outside many of the staff have seen them on there way to and from work the previous owners were well on board with the subject but the new one not so much so lots in the film about it
Twenty pounds worth of over priced petrol and two bags of shitty overpriced coal for free even waved at the woman on the till as I was loading it in now that’s something to be proud of