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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. Beep beep beep lardarse reversing
  2. Well that all belongs to France and China mate lol
  3. He gotta fact check google check wiki check tik tok check give him a moment
  4. Apparently you have to have gone through puberty and be over 4ft8” and under 17 stone to qualify and references have to come from real people not make believe online friends so I think he’s out
  5. Greyman


    Bet your dying for a good shit mate lol, had all mine tucked back in a few years back you don’t realise how bad it is until it’s gone as it’s a long slow degeneration you just learn to live with good luck to you
  6. This oft repeated load of bollox putin wants a buffer zone not fecking minerals he is the leader of the only self sufficient country in the world with enough reserves of everything to last ten lifetimes
  7. Some people have shite in there eyes, some just like to argue and some just like the last word on everything regardless and every now and again you get a complete arsewipe with all the above traits
  8. Another lovely morning and another walk upon the Cotswolds funny it’s still foggy down at the boat but climb up here and it’s lovely
  9. A few things going on this month
  10. There’s a 94% eclipse on the 29th at 10 am
  11. I think you need good binos or a telescope to see all seven
  12. Tonight’s show for the lad of it’s still cloudy
  13. Well while the none smokers are sat in moaning on the internet about us stoners I’ve just got back from my grandkids bday party in the local village hall,they had mice,rabbits,guinie pigs, tarantulas snakes mearcats an albino skunk and a fox, have three generations living within 100 yards of each other we’re doing alright how’s about yourselves done much today lol
  14. Your right it could rot there teeth
  15. Id be much more worried about yourself than me mate at 62 I’ve been on two dog walks,cut and chopped wood for tonight and am off to my grandkids bday party in a bit what you up to today ????
  16. Pretty much the same mate smoked weed for 40 odd years solid done better than most off the estate I grew up on own everything we have and a few zeros on the bank balance funnily half the lads that went on the drink are dead now I’m still functioning and performing better than a lot of 40 year olds at 62 not having any self control is the weakness not what we do to relax
  17. Little wander out buzzard sat in the top of the pylon calling had six others circling above it before it joined them water finally getting drawn up by new growth it’s all happening again love it
  18. Nice pic of the new moon and Venus last night
  19. Meanwhile Rachel Reeves just hands over another 2.9 billion while people freeze in there own homes here
  20. Got me self some nice mushroom chocolate to enjoy one evening soon
  21. 14stone of that is your typing arm lol
  22. While we are talking about lining pockets let’s look at how many billions have disappeared zalenskis way
  23. The issue goes much deeper than money Ukraine has ran out of fighting age men and if the war is to continue it will mean eu boots on the ground hence the ww3 rhetoric so an immediate cease fire then bang out a deal makes more sense whichever side your on
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