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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. personally I think the west is arming every raving looney in the desert to overthrow Assad without getting there hands dirty, and Russia are helping an elected leader as written in most of the war law books, we have deliberately caused the unrest from Iraq,Afghanistan, Egypt and Libya, and if we are successful in Syria we will move onto Iran, and who knows what will happen when the heavily armed by us, Kurds turn there attention on the land along the Syrian Turkish border that they wish to call home, it's a frecking mess and the blame is firmly at our feet, sorry but that's my ten pence worth
  2. you got a be innit to win it mate, FairPlay to you, hope it leads on to something better
  3. i,m a bit of a Landy purist and I think, that thing like most modern Landy,s would be left wanting against a proper 101 ,I think the beauty of the original series 1-2-3 and the 101 was the fact they could be repaired at the side of the road if they ever did break down, were as a modern one has to be fixed by a technician with a diagnostics computer and a van full of spare parts, landrover ceased making proper Landy,s after the 200tdi defender, from there on it was all down hill, if you want to go fast get a sports car but if you want to go anywhere get a proper landrover The whole point of th
  4. . One of the biggest causes in my opinion is frecking badgers, I wander far and wide on my travels and the one thing that is clear to me is the more badgers on the land the less hares, I,ve also seen the growth of badger populations decimate areas once rich in hares, leverets are just eaten before they have a chance to stand up, a lot of these shoots though not legal and never talked about still gas badger sets and that's why they are running alive with hares, simples
  5. i,ve said it before on this subject, but get out and knock on farmers doors, it's a lot harder to say know when you are stood there than it is to ignore an email or letter , I,ve even gone out on the land when they are working and asked them, a day of door knocking will normally secure you one or two perms,
  6. I wear army trousers all the time, main reason is there is something in them that stops shit from sticking to them, I am in general a scruffy man and seem to find dirt even in places dirt does not excist so a pair of trousers that just brush off when dry is a must, but I still get peppered by mozzies more than most people around me,
  7. I am totally unemployable to a firm and have been most of my life, I have raised three kids put one through uni, bought a house own several vehicles and live a relatively comfy life, the answer is just hard graft, if your not shy of work you will be ok, I have a tipper I collect scrap in, I sell shit on eBay, I do plastering, and work a day a week in a scaffolding yard clearing up and greasing fittings, I,m in my mid 50,s and the last proper job I had was in 93 for two years, if your a cleaner get some flyers printed and go cleaning, all you need is a Henry, some polish and a rocket up your a
  8. i have a pair nest in the garden every year, they are nice to see and hear, but when I was a young man they were great fun to shoot in the areas around the docks because even if you were a shit shot you would hit one even if it was not the one you were aiming at, they lived in a massive area of waste land just outside the dock gate, also used to shoot the ferals and sell the rings to the pigeon club, I think we got around 20/30p per ring which paid for our pellets so we could shoot more, even the docks in the centre of Bristol which are now full of trendy flats and wine bars, we could spend al
  9. they turned them into shit same as everything else in the areas they converge on
  10. when the docks near me imported a lot of grain the trees in the area were white with them,there were literally tens of thousands of them, but have,nt seen them in those numbers for many years as coal and cars seem less attractive to them and that's what comes in through the docks nowadays, so I guess they have all fecked off to yours now
  11. I can get the damson but the walnut I'd have to pay for is the nut a seed from which the tree grows, if so can you not just plant a walnut? I have four walnut trees on my foraging radar, will have a look when I next go by and see if there are any saplings underneath them if so I will try and get one up if you want it, though one of them is in a grave yard so don't really want to start digging around that one
  12. I only cut forks in January and February because there is less moisture and toxins in the wood, I mostly cut from hazel bush,s unless I see something special, and I never get a split in the wood, as soon as the sap rises at the start of March the wood is likely to split, it's the same with walking stick shafts, January is the month to gather wood, if you have some forks you can give them a two minute blast in the microwave to drive the moisture out and season the wood artificially, that's about it for my forks, I will be out cutting again after Christmas, it only takes a few hours to get a box
  13. mate the clock is ticking on this, if you have pics of the villain and his getaway Mobil then post them up ASAP, I hope your lack of communication means you have recovered the dogs already, if not time is of the essence and the dogs are moving further away with every passing hour
  14. I have many in my man cave, but first which hand do you hold your fork in,let me know and I can send you some pics I was planning a bit of a clear out anyway, also have one or two starships that will be going soon, cheers bloody fantastic!!! i hold the catapult in my right buddy! atb
  15. I have many in my man cave, but first which hand do you hold your fork in,let me know and I can send you some pics I was planning a bit of a clear out anyway, also have one or two starships that will be going soon, cheers
  16. one of my biggest regrets is selling my it was one of the first in the country, I went to buy an hw35 e with the long barrel, from Bristol bridge guns, long gone, and the guy told me to wait a few weeks as there was a new model coming out and it was well worth the wait, so two weeks later saw a 14 year old boy walking through the centre of Bristol hw80, optima moonlighter scope tin of pellets and bag on my shoulder, proud as punch, a bus ride back to southmead on the 88 bus and not one person took a bit of notice, how times have changed and not for the better I,m afraid, also owned a sharp
  17. people pays £200 for a weekend festival, were they can be showered in cups of piss for three days solid, so don't complain to much or your boss might start charging you for the pleasure
  18. wait till you get old then you will know the real answer,Really ????, I'm might be a lot older than you think !!!!, an there is no excuse for throwing bottles of piss out the windows of motors, jmhoin truth I do piss in bottles but I take them home and put them in the bin, my back is shot and due to nerve damage I only get a few minutes notice, so usually know time to stop, I also don't need to get my dick in a bottle to fill it, so bottle choice is,nt a consideration for all of you that seemed worried
  19. wait till you get old then you will know the real answer,
  20. I,ve done it for years in the back of my crewcab, never new it was worth so much, I must be a turd billionaire by now
  21. they may get a few dings mate but they won't snap and take your eye out like a ply model, also I would suggest you get yourself a roller cutter and a sheet of tbg from eBay,it will set you back around £10/£15 but you can cut as many different band sets as you need, and you won't be waiting on the postman everytime you snap yours, try different tapers and straight cuts until you find what's right for you
  22. I agree with all that you say, EXCEPT the fact of the matter is when it comes to religion there will NEVER be peace. not possibleuntil we accept that religion is just another form of division, and relinquish our false gods, but sadly we will enter ww3 before that ever happens and we will send our sons and daughters to die on foreign soils because our leaders tell us it's for the best, it's the bummer of getting old, you realise you,ve been part of a big scam, but your to f****d to do anything about it
  23. have a look at gamekeeper John webs own ppmg, it's covered in fork hits, so your in good company, I,m away for a week after today so won't be able to answer anything for a while but I bet you will be banging down targets by the time I,m back online goodluck
  24. I got a coloured telly, just to show I hold know grudges, but in all seriousness division through religion,colour and creed is just another tool for the pencil necks that run the world, if we all sat down together and talked we,d soon realise that the only problems we are facing are the people that allegedly look after our best interests, governments feed hate and division, that's how they get the great unwashed to send their offspring to die on foreign soil, and has been a tactic used since we stood upright
  25. The same stupid naïveity of these left wing luvies, is what makes them so vulnerable to a scam, they try not to see any bad in people, and walk face first into old hamheads love offencive, roll the clock forward a few years and misses luvie is left at home to look after the 10 kids wondering what happened to lovely hamhead, whilst he's roaming the street with a pocket full of giro trying to shag anything with a pulse,bet her parents are chuffed to f**k with there new son in law
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