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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. Greyman


    About 8 months ago I found my first grey pube. I am basically dead. don't worry mate mine looks like Father Christmas with a big nose but it all still works, even though he only gets to come out on birthdays and Christmas
  2. Greyman


    Also a massive issue with vitamin D deficiency and I here scurvy is making a comeback, probably come out with an expensive tablet to remedy it or a pot of cream or a night light, anything as long as your spending money and not outdoors enjoying yourself for free, I hate being old just because you can see everyone having the piss ripped out of them but your just an old fool that know one listens to anymore, and you can't really be arsed to educate them oh well I,m off for a pint
  3. I,ve put this up somewhere else regarding knife sharpening and this is what I use most of the time had it years and it's still doing the biz if I want to go absolutely paper slicing mental I do it on my belt sander, nice thing about the blade tech it just goes round your neck on a lanyard so you can have a few rubs over your blade if your doing your field dressing or skinning out and about trouble is as I get older I have so many great gadgets to hang round my neck I can't move to catch anything
  4. Greyman


    That's probably why you have grown into a pretty normal guy, today's youngsters have higher rates of depression, higher rates of suicide, anorexia from a lack of self confidence, girls having fillers and boob jobs before they have even finished growing and boys spending more time in the bathroom mirror than there misses to apply hair products and anti aging cream, bring back mud for breakfast and you can still roll back the tide before its to late,
  5. After all the hype I,m hoping for a two round slugfest, with haye ending it on his ass
  6. this is were the system fails for nice people, because they are not entitled to legal aid, a brief at around £200 an hour makes it much more expensive to deny than it does to just admit it even if you know full well your innocent, also avoids the unpleasant experience of sitting in a room full of crack heads waiting to see the judge, it's a system totally designed to milk money from decent people like on the spot fixed penalty fines, people would rather pay up than have to spend a day in court, even when they are innocent were as if I,m going to be convicted of anything I wil make them fight f
  7. It's much easier to bully and persecute non criminal types as they just admit everything through fear, a slightly more enlightened person in the ways of the law would have just claimed they attempted to find out the rightful owner of the said twenty thereby mitigating any criminal charges, theft by finding is thrown at me about ten times a year for picking up scrap metal, I even no of one lad that now has a printer in his cab and he hands out receipts for every bit of scrap he picks up, trouble is its all just a big game and criminally minded people are better at playing it than straights whic
  8. I do both, I buy a few and make a few, but I like my pouch,s very small just big enough to hold a ball I just draw around an old pouch and cut them out with big scissors I normally get a leather bag from a charity shop or cut a sqare out of old leather sofas that are thrown out lasts for ages
  9. I have a couple of stealthcamg30,s they are meant to be pretty much the best budget one also have a couple of Brownings strike force and command ops they are really good but much more complex than the stealth cams which are one switch does all idiot proof and my favourite, I have just got another one an R42 Good revues but yet to use it so can't recommend,and for anyone interested I have just located a family of polecats in a wood I,ve been watching seen two different ones in the last week a Jill and a hob am well chuffed with that, makes a change from the usual culprits
  10. that's a sure sign your being monitored, I would hurry out and get a bulk purchase of silver foil in and start wrapping your house, but don't get it in the cavity you,ll get dampWould you reccomend a tin foil hat aswell GM.just incase.belt and braces mate the more the better
  11. that's a sure sign your being monitored, I would hurry out and get a bulk purchase of silver foil in and start wrapping your house, but don't get it in the cavity you,ll get damp
  12. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Greyman" data-cid="4416425" data-time="1488391300">Greyman, on 01 Mar 2017 - 6:01 PM, said:<p><blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Lamper121" data-cid="4415884" data-time="1488308002">Lamper121, on 28 Feb 2017 - 6:53 PM, said:<p>Anybody got any suggestions of a good product that is not too expensive ( probably best if I remembered the picture
  13. this is a nice bit of kit have had it for a fair few years and it works really well, but best of all if you have one is a belt sander, I can sharpen my knives like razors on the old belt sander, just don't go in to hard because it can take a lot of metal off
  14. wow a scientist, new houses have a layer of foam attached to the inner skin but the cavity is wider to allow an air gap, in older houses the cavity is a bit narrower and some smart ass sales man comes around and tells you it's best to insulate, you then pay him an arm and leg and in return he sends round a van with a pump a couple of tons of recycled rags and a pair of retards, they then drill holes all over your house and pump in the shitty mess stick a bit of shit in the holes and gel on, over time the recycled rags get wetter and heavier slowly sinking to the bottom of the house therefore c
  15. As a plasterer I,m dealing with many houses experiencing black mould after a few years of having there cavity,s filled I,ve spent years on building sites being taught the importance of keeping the cavity clean as the air flow is what stops the moisture crossing from the outer skin to the inner skin and yet now people are filling the cavity with recycled wool and cloth that gets damp and bridges the gap a total no no as far as I,m concerned and in years to come there will be firms springing up charging you to remove it
  16. lazy fecker... i did my kids them for brekkie this morning,,,,didnt have oarange to squeeze on,,so used satsuma.. ,,then a chopped up banana,,and a drizzle of honey i bet the honey goes down well with them as does maple syrup my favourite topping
  17. Billy brown the father is an author and he wrote a book which is what the program is based on, he is worth around 5 mil, they live in the bush yet they wear white shirts with remarkably clean collars and every time they do a job have a whole array of brand new tools including cordless drills that would need regular charging, it's not hard to see its all false, also living in a survival situation you would be dead very quickly if you ran around in rivers punching salmon getting soaking wet every day, total fakers but if you like the outdoors it's still better than emerdale, and for anyone wanti
  18. Just a little update seems that the brand new sim was faulty have put the old sim in with the new battery's and it seems to be running fine, have just been out this morning and set it so will see what's on it in a week or so, interestingly have just swopped the sims on a couple of other cameras and I caught a polecat on film crossing through an underpass below the m5 motorway just outside Bristol, don't know if it's a feral polecat/ferret or a proper wild polecat but I was quite shocked
  19. there is a thread toward the bottom of the page titled bulk square elastic don't know if you will find the answer in there,
  20. If you was running a real scrap biz you would have transit tippers and no licenses, what's wrong with you, your giving us a bad name asking these things
  21. Greyman


    I,m in Bristol and it's blowing quite nicely here, went into wickes this morning and when I came out there was a massive tree down across the carpark with about half a dozen cars trapped under it, I was going to check my trail cameras today but think it probably wise to stay out the woods with the amount of debris flying around and trees coming down ,heard on the radio a while ago that part of the city centre is closed after someone got hit by a roof tile this morning so having a day in doing odd jobs role on Spring
  22. I have a mate I fish And shoot catty,s with he can't aim for shit were as I am a bit of an aimer,we are like chalk and cheese but on the whole he is just as successful as me and hits the target with as much regularity as anyone, he can't tell you how he does it and his forks are horrible to me, but he can't stand mine either, and struggles to even hold it, so you just have to accept that we are all different, and what works for you may not work for others but as long as your enjoying yourself, it's a winner
  23. the original tree fork was about 21/2" fat so I sanded one side of it flat on a belt sander upside down in a vice, when there was a big enough flat area to lay the ally one on, I drew round it and cut it out with a jigsaw, then I sanded the shape into it with a dremmel using the large and small sanding drums that they use, you just got to keep holding it then sanding off any bits that don't feel right, when it's comfortable in the hand give it a good final sanding with finer grades of paper by hand,
  24. mate get on it, I was a bit like yourself for many years, I,ve always had a catty for over forty years but it was always standard hazel fork square or Barnett elastic and a boot tongue, it was only when I started using the Internet a few years ago that I realised just what improvements and advances there had been in materials, it was the American slingshot sites that first opened my eyes, but there are now a few lads bringing that to England and the resurgence is going strong, you can now actively hunt with a catty as apposed to just lamping birds of perches, I think it's great, welcome aboar
  25. Just put new battery,s and a sim in it, I leave it out and just swap sims so I,m hoping the fault is on the new sim, but I,ve been noticing lately that it seems to miss more shots than others covering the same ground, so I,ve been suspicious something was wrong for a while, I,ll check the old sim tomorrow and take it from there, I,ve found a bloke in Norfolk that repairs them but most camera shops don't even know what they are,
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