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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. I used to earn a three pence piece for sweeping the sawdust up in the butchers after school age 7, 5 evenings, then £2.50 age 12 milk round Saturday/Sunday morning then first full time job £25 a week age 16, got a job in a nuclear power station soon after when it was still nationalised and wages were £189 a week, I thought I was Rockefeller for a while, bought a triumph 2.5pi for my first car and it cost me twice the purchase price to insure it but I was the bollox so did,nt care ( or I thought I was at the time )
  2. For what reason?Mating?surely they still do the same in Africa yet they can still pattern specific animals,anomalous BBC's have lets say been here for 50 years?40 years?instinctually they will still behave as their African or north American counterparts as darwins theory of evolution wasn't based over 40 or 50 years so they haven't had time to unlearn African or north American instincts and re-learn to suit this country. I,m learning as I go mate I can't answer all the questions only what I find as I go, and from reports and sightings in my own area I have come to the conclusion that when the
  3. how much time do you spend looking for dead animals up trees ? I have pictures of some
  4. The population density makes baiting and waiting a bit hit and miss in the uk, plus the cats move a lot during summer, but I have a few areas that I,m sure cats have held up for a while during winter in the past that I plan to do excactly that in, there is also a very long road I drive along, that a few road kill deer have been dragged back from the road and stripped so I will keep a camera in my van and set it near the next one I find, it's just a case of being in the right place at the right time and if I have enough time left to be there, though I suspect that the first 100 percent photo or
  5. I think he wants bigger balls
  6. another American that's big on them and has a web site and a few YouTube vids is a guy named rattlinrandy (only in America) despite the name still worth a look
  7. I'd back a leopard or jaguar over 5 bull x's mate Agreed , hence why I didn't say they would Again agreed, however that seems to be at the extreme end of the spectrum? Those seem to be plott joins types there hunting there, how would you rate their guts , power and determination to master a large carnivore? Would they be capable of turning over multiple foxes in a night? I doubt it, so as much as I enjoy your posts mackem mate, I still reckon three or four proper bullbtupes would do a less impressively sized mountain lion... do the plott hounds bay or catch? If there is a large cat
  8. I,ve moved away from tapering my bands a bit as it seems to shorten the life, I use 15mm straight cuts for shooting tins in the garden 25mm covers target and small game and I have a couple with 32mmstraights that are for purely hunting also use 12mm lead in the bigger bands and 10mm steel in the smaller ones
  9. What ever you do don't leave a trail of breadcrumbs behind in the hope you can follow them back in the morning a young couple tried it years ago, went so horribly wrong they wrote a book about it, be safe
  10. think I'm getting a bit that way to but is there such a thing as to many cattys ? nice collection mate and I tend to agree you can't have to many, I like different things on different days and if I,m just tinkering in the garden I might use two or three different types in a day, even when I do have a bit of a clear out I just make or trade more anyway
  11. I like the one's that are made from a forked branch did you make them yourself. all my work mate except the two top left ones, I collect hazel forks in February and just make them when I have time during the year this one is one of the nicest pieces of wood I,ve found in a long while cheers. That's a cracker pal,are they hard to use do you hit your hand's much with the ammo. sorry I had to go out but in answer to your question I hardly ever hit my hands or forks, not saying it's never happened as it has or I,m the best shot in the world but I,m 55 years old now and my first catty,s cost 10
  12. how do you find them in comparison to tbg mate, do you cut them yourself from a sheet or are they pre cut bands when they arrive, I,ve tried a few different types over the years but always end up back on tbg or 1745 latex tube
  13. How do you get on with a PFS? I can't shoot one for shit haha I can only shoot it if I aim,nothing like some of the people that just point and shoot them but I don't spend nough time on it really, it's just an old paint brush handle with a U sanded in the end
  14. I like the one's that are made from a forked branch did you make them yourself. all my work mate except the two top left ones, I collect hazel forks in February and just make them when I have time during the year this one is one of the nicest pieces of wood I,ve found in a long while cheers
  15. I am very tempted, but think I need a bit of a clear out first as I have far to many already, lol
  16. Nice shooting fella, the old wasps are proving to be a good off the shelf shooter for reasonable money's,
  17. Greyman

    Hedge Hog .

    If your hedgehog has any cuts or wounds you should put honey on them and as long as it's over I think 300 grams by October it will be fine to hibernate for the winter I,ve had a few small ones that I have kept indoors over winter because they were to small to make it but they are quite smelly and the honey is an antiseptic that covers the wound as you can't stick a plaster on them cheers
  18. I pull them straight out the lake into a pan of boiling water then just peel them quick did in thousand island sauce and down the hatch taste great, a local fish shop to me started selling them last year and the animal rights nutters turned up outside his shop wearing there sandwhich boards and made him stop wtf is that about
  19. as the other singer left smith the one who done the dancing ? That shows how far back I was...I didn't notice one was missing! Not surprising with a mad five year old wearing flowers in her hair and dancing on my shoulders. The only negative of the night for me was when she announced, "I need a poo!" just before they were due to come on so I missed Embarrassment and The Prince. wow two songs that's a big pooh for a 5 year old
  20. I,ve made a few for mates they are dead easy with the diablo and a whisker biscuit, biggest down side you need more room to play and arrows can get a bit pricey if you start loosing them, if you look up chief aj on YouTube he hunts boar with one and is rumoured to have even taken a grizzly bear with one, pretty good survival tool if you needed grub
  21. £5 tub from screwfix, bit of sponge, it also depends how good you are on a catty, I came home the other day and my son was having a pop but as a modern lad more used to a games console than a catty he has hit shit out my shed and thought he was doing well just hitting the catch box, so he could do with a bigger one if I,m honest, the row of bb dents along the top edge of the shed brought his fun to an end as my neighbour has a glass conservatory right behind my shed
  22. now I,ve watched that I think he,s a c**t again, doh
  23. In the blokes defence I would say the film is edited and it's a soft toy he kicks over the fence watch it again you can see the film jump a tiny bit between the cat feeding and it flying off when he kicks it
  24. I am not a domestic cat fan but I,m even less a fan of fat pricks trying to look tough by being cruel to anything that can't defend itself, I hope he gets everything that's coming to him and I bet he goes running to plod as soon as the first person gives him a good dose of boot soup
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