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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. Greyman

    THC vapes

    Mate things have never been more different to how you describe them you can get pretty much anything delivered by the Royal Mail these days it’s great lol
  2. Only if you live in a residential marina, I’m in a leisure only marina so I have to spend a certain amount of time out
  3. Little ride out to the garden centre and a couple of pints and a bite in a nice little pub
  4. All I know they were blue and had a wanna be copper on them, not the best vehicle for off roading but good fun for a 12 year old being chased around the trees and flower beds
  5. Just back from the garden centre had more stuff in my pockets than my basket when I left lol
  6. Had a few of them away as well lol
  7. Used to make mopeds as well when I was a nipper the punch maxi was a favourite as they were pre restricted done about 45 /50 mph and started with no key just jump on peddle like feck pull the decompression lever in and you were off no gears just twist and go lol
  8. First deer survey they done there using thermal they picked up two and that is a documented fact like most other active areas it would have been even more wild back in the 60/70s when people needed to get rid and they would have thought they were giving them a fighting chance letting them go there
  9. All I can do is watch now no home no vote lol probably could if I was bothered but a lifetime of changing nothing I,m happy to watch these days
  10. Tomatoes and cheese on another spin in the oven and job done
  11. Was down the tip some years ago and someone pulled this beauty out the back of a motor 1976 puch 3 stermy archer gears like new still had the original ever ready lights on, so I put it straight in my van, have loads of bikes including a full suspension specialised ,hard tail orange gringo a Ferrari folder and a few more the puch is the best ride of them all and when you get that third gear going I’m overtaking cars and my legs are barely going round proper engineered
  12. Just knocking up a quick quiche 8 eggs ,8 rashers of smoked bacon ,nice lump of strong cheddar,cheese and a few chopped spring onions with a purple tomato on top
  13. I think bye elections will be the way to success and hopefully there will be lots more over the next five years if they can sort the infighting out they could have a reasonable number of seats by the general election as I’ve said an interesting few years ahead in politics
  14. The old park keepers bike from when I was a kid very distinctive sound new you had to start running when you heard one coming lol
  15. Not had much to do with wooden boats but plastics tend to sit a lot shallower in the water my last one was 35 ft long but only needed 18” of water under it which makes them quite hard work in the wind
  16. The two pack is a more recent thing but can’t be put on over the bitumen ( tar) so as my boat is old it was bitumen from new, unless I shot blast it back to bare metal, I prefer the bitumen because two pack lasts longer the boat only comes out every 8/10 years with the tar it’s every 3/4 years so you get to check the underside for damage to the metal also the prop and rudder bearings can be checked and repaired if needed , most are metal but fibre glass and wood are also used my first boat was fibreglass but they tend to be smaller and more often weekend boats rather than live aboar
  17. The boat was done just before I bought it 4 years back in a boatyard at a cost of £2500 but I would rather do it myself as the last job is a bit shit plus I’ve worked in there and there tight as on the amount of tar they put on. at stourport you just book the dry dock cost me £700 because I take up two spaces normally 350 per boat for the dock and pressure washing then I have a week to paint it possibly another £100 in materials but should get around 4 coats on so all in all a better job twice as much tar and less than half the money
  18. Appreciate that mate but a lot just can’t be arsed with it and if he hadn’t turned on you for telling the truth someone else might have come forward but reading all his shit change there minds anyways hopefully some normal conversation can resume
  19. Well it’s time to have the old boat out for blacking and an age related survey on the hull so have just booked the dry dock at stourport as it’s the nearest one that will allow you to do the work yourself, stourports an interesting place anyway so will be two days travelling up the Severn then 7 days in dock to get her all cleaned back and three coats of fresh tar
  20. To answer a few of your points, there have been several threads on big cats everyone ruined and taken down either by Greb or his predecessor , I personally have never started one but I will try and answer if the question arises, as it’s something I,m involved in,and understand I can’t give you all the answers you want as I’m a tiny cog in a much bigger machine things I find I pass on further up the chain, anyone with an interest can come and meet me and I will happily take them out for a wander or to the university when we have our annual gatherings and you can meet students and lecturers that
  21. My kids were fed and clothed from shoplifting and ram raids 25 /30 years ago lol
  22. Spot on mate that’s it, used to seeing them small ones all the time with Slim bridge and the foreshore just down the road brings a lot of visitors there is also a colony of storks two mile down the canal but I’ve only seen them in flight
  23. Quick run out with the dogs early as I had to take the misses into town at 10 anyways saw this on the river sadly I was in a rush and couldn’t stalk up on it looked like an eagret but was 3ft tall and seemed a bit different
  24. I think he’s just an over qualified under achieving prick done well in school but can’t cut it in the real world works a shit job owns a shit dog never mentions his youngsters and does a week in the med once a year the rest of his time is trying to be someone in the virtual world so f**k him only thing he brings to the table he googled two minutes earlier
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