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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. Personally the tail looks more like a domestic to me, it's much longer on a leopard and has a hockey stick hook at the end though it is a big domestic if that's what it is referring to the black one on the railway
  2. ? Yeah that's the one. Has that been rubbished now? i don't think so if I remember the guy filming it was in the police which always makes things more convincing, there a bit like school teachers no one dares disagree with them
  3. It might still end up in a working mens club on Salford, pay at the door with the winner fighting Rio Ferdinand ffs
  4. I agree with you Cush but as I said a few posts ago this is why as a group we are trying to become more involved with the first call side of things, because as you say it's clearly a cat but if me or someone like me was first on the scene I guess there would be some pretty good pug marks as it jumped down maybe some claw marks from climbing and a few measurements of the rock would confirm its size so you could add a lot more weight to the sighting than just a rough image, at the moment all I can do is pass on things I see and you have to make up your own mind, I get pictures like this and wors
  5. Here you go,the picture was taken in March, according to the reporter there had been a heavy rain storm the night before and the animal was sunning itself which would seem normal if you had been wet all night,
  6. Personally, I'd be more inclined to believe the lack of official response is in correlation to the lack of credible evidence. By that I mean there isn't enough quality evidence to conclude proof and therefore no official confirmation or denial. I'd think that there would be further legal issues if someone was harmed and there was compelling evidence but as we found with Rochdale council it'll probably be half a century before they admit it. Like I said, it's more a hypothetical question of how would such evidence, if any, be dealt with? I'm sure Greyman said in one of his posts that a me
  7. Scott my post was less about supposed cover-ups, but more about how irrefutable proof (say of cubs for example) if any, was dealt with in a public way, if at all?.....& you've thrown up another interesting question......is it a legal public requirement to report such findings direct to the police? I expect Greyman would know? funnily enough the big cat tent was at dunster fair earlier in the year near mine head and the old chief of police for Devon and Cornwall came in, he was in charge during the beast of Bodmin crisis when they were getting sheep kills everyday in big numbers and he c
  8. Quick update the pile of rocks has been located by someone in the group and it is in Yorkshire apparently I have seen the picture before as I suggested but it was earlier this year and finally there is no leopard shaped rock in the place of the alleged leopard, so it is what it is a photo taken this year on the Yorkshire moors what it contains you decide
  9. I should have said mate that picture was in the express so it's without doubt 110 percent true, though being serious I have an idea I may have seen it some were else in the past not sure will dig a bit deeper
  10. If you applied the same principles of science or law to judging that photo you would be hard pressed to find either community judge it as proof mate. If it was from S.Africa or Botswana etc then it would make it very plausible but even then it's not strong enough at all to make it a fact that it's of big cat. It'd be torn to bits under peer review or in a court and that's the standard we demand of other science and so is the standard we need to hold this stuff to. as a scientist you would probably be better off on the tooth pit identification side of things this is the way things have bee
  11. Today's picture, taken on the Yorkshire moors last week your views and opinions as always
  12. trouble is mate they don't eat the rag and there is no proof that rags have a direct negative effect on the countryside, so it's quite hard to justify the wholesale slaughter of rags to the general public, maybe we should start a group to ban mountain climbing see how he likes it, after all a rag has as much feeling as a mountain
  13. It's only those badly bred lynx..... you can't blame the Lynx, it's bad owners
  14. Another sighting in Scotland, it's on the daily record if anyone can put it up, police called in to search the area, local resident scothunter said its all bollox, that bit was a joke rest is real, If anyone wants to add a link cheers.
  15. He'll get photos of the b@stards in the wild soon enough when they reintroduce the lynx, another apex predator for our wildlife to contend with, all the ground nesting birds hare rabbits etc. The capercaillie will go the way of the dodo. I've been up close to one of these f@ckers in palacerigg country park back in the 1980s it was lying in its enclosure and then one of the keeper came round and started the feeding routine the c@nt got up big leggy thing with a head like a 30 bob cabbage, more than capable of killing a person in my opinion.they say they stand 1.3m tall thats about 51" ffs.An ar
  16. He'll get photos of the b@stards in the wild soon enough when they reintroduce the lynx, another apex predator for our wildlife to contend with, all the ground nesting birds hare rabbits etc. The capercaillie will go the way of the dodo. I've been up close to one of these f@ckers in palacerigg country park back in the 1980s it was lying in its enclosure and then one of the keeper came round and started the feeding routine the c@nt got up big leggy thing with a head like a 30 bob cabbage, more than capable of killing a person in my opinion.they say they stand 1.3m tall thats about 51" ffs. An
  17. I agree, BGD. I hope I can find somewhere to stream it to the colonies. You only have to read this thread in its entirety to see how the subject is viewed in the UK. Hopefully, a decent documentary will finally answer the questions after all. I,m not sure I would say it,s about 90percent done, but everytime its viewed it gets a bit more editing it's been going on a while as they wanted 10 suspected kills before they would do the tooth pit lab bits which obviously took a while to collect, will keep you all posted and let you know when I find out,
  18. He'll get photos of the b@stards in the wild soon enough when they reintroduce the lynx, another apex predator for our wildlife to contend with, all the ground nesting birds hare rabbits etc. The capercaillie will go the way of the dodo. I've been up close to one of these f@ckers in palacerigg country park back in the 1980s it was lying in its enclosure and then one of the keeper came round and started the feeding routine the c@nt got up big leggy thing with a head like a 30 bob cabbage, more than capable of killing a person in my opinion.they say they stand 1.3m tall thats about 51" ffs.
  19. Thylacine are extinct unless anyone has any concrete evidence to prove otherwise. Cats in the UK are far more likely but until concrete evidence is presented to the public, and the peer review is a little stronger than Socks having a dart round to check the photos I'll remain on the sceptical side. I'm not saying it isn't so it's just that I've seen better bigfoot videos. My issue has always been the quality of the evidence presented. In an age where everyone has an HD ready 1080p video recorder in their pocket these stories should be a lot more frequent with much better evidence. Instead,
  20. they are very close I think they have finally got the land and everything else in place,there is a website that keeps updates and news of progress, funnily I have emailed them several times but they refuse to talk to me
  21. in reality we talked about it before and it's the same as the lockness monster sightings and reports,getting less every year of thylacene indicating it's not there anymore or the tiny population left is diminishing unlike uk cats which increases most years, and once again you can see the range of opinions from most convincing photo to 100 percent not, that's why anything apart from a 100 percent picture will never be accepted
  22. see if this works mate, it's the only one I,ve seen that's possibly not a mangy fox though as usual iffy footageThat looks quite convincing to me. we normally give pictures a percentage, obviously 100 percent being the holy grail no doubt crystal clear picture, what would you score that one I,m at around 70/80 percent Myself ? I think that some of the footprints are more compelling as they have quite a strange print, be nice if we were wrong on this one as its a bit of a black mark on us the way we wiped them out for no real reason
  23. all part of the mystery mate, true mate you know the pictured of the deer with a neck bite? what become of that? i only had the picture unfortunately as I would have liked to have skinned the neck back and seen the damage inside it's another maybe I,m afraid this was how it was found, the bite marks were spotted after it was dispachedtrim.8324BDE5-2DC0-4284-A218-D7E5285676AE.MOV
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