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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. check it out on eBay some of those early krona,s fetch stupid money mate
  2. you can,t put a price on that can you, it's a shame most people are to busy to enjoy what's free and all around us
  3. Since brexit the price of scrap metal has been steadily climbing, I,m a good plasterer and can earn strong money smashing in meters every day, but I,m happy when I,m just trotting round in my truck picking up shit, I can quite easily earn £300 a week with out going mad breaking my back or working 8-12 hr days the dogs can come with me and we can stop for a stroll whenever we want or I can drive through the nearby estate and geta couple of pheasants on my way home, sometimes life is about what makes you happy and it's not usually what earns the most, go and sit in a quiet place and draw yoursel
  4. Woke up this morning to traffic chaos outside my house, two Lorry,s have crashed on a motorway junction nearby causing total mayhem, so instead of trying to go to work and join the gloomy faced crowds I loaded my rucksack and dogs into the van and set off in the opposite direction, have enjoyed three hours of absolute bliss, clear but chilly with a heavy dew on the ground, the trees are starting to wear there Autumn clothes and the ground is soft enough that your not rolling your ankles every two steps, I never met a single person on my travels and have covered 8-9 miles of wonderful countrys
  5. Nice story and absolutely hats off to you,I think I would be a little more vengeful than yourself so FairPlay to you on that one as well, get yourself a lottery ticket mate karma must have something good in store for that one
  6. Forest showcase this weekend in the Forest of Dean so some local interest, the big cat tent recieved 15 reported sightings, one puma though not seen in the forest but in Dorset,12 black panther type and two Lynx,
  7. is this them? I got it from your Facebook page
  8. I'm a complete novice myself jon I will get it bannded and see how I fair. you could either loop tubes through the hole or put Theraband over the top, I don't have any tube at present but I would happily band it up for you if you want to send it over,
  9. Most of mine end up with the ass ripped out due to short legs and barbed wire hence my chosen trouser outlets are the charity shop or army surplus, I just don't know how you can get that much value into a pair of strides, let's get a picture of these super pants up
  10. If I spent £400 on a pair of strides I,d want them to touch me up all day, or else I,d frame them instead of wearing them
  11. been firing and making catty,s now for around 40/45 years have some pretty nice little scars along the back of my index finger and knuckle, its par for the course mate still happens occasionally even after all these years but normally when I,m not paying attention or trying a new catty out, it's more embaressing than painful after all these years but it will always happen
  12. keep it low as you want to melt the cheese rather than toast the bread I usually go around 100-120 in the oven or if I do it on the woodburner until the cheese is soft and runny, once you have done them you can start putting your own personal touch,s to it, I,ve lined it with serrento ham added sprigs of rosemary and cloves of garlic in the past also save the centre of the loaf to tear up for dipping then eat the lid and so on, very messy to eat but well worth it,
  13. that would probably feed four depending on how greedy they are, I usually chuck some on the garage roof for the birds in the morning if it's just me and the misses in,
  14. Cheers mate yeah thought I'd make a few sticks, dont want to buy off eBay as im really enjoying wandering the woods looking for forks and sticks. Catapult looks good, the one I just made I gave a few wipes over with raw linseed oil but it didn't give it the effect I was hoping for so I finished with a polyurethane spray, looks good but I'm not keen on the plastic feel. Now I just need to practice my shooting.. Found the fork a little bit big so just trimmed it down an inch or so and finished with a coat of clear lacquer once I was happy, also one fork was a few mill longer than tother so got t
  15. Well getting wet and windy, so here is one of the winter favourites I,ve shown it in another thread but for anyone into Camembert this really is the bollox, lashings of garlic in the butter pop in the oven for around 1/2-3/4 of an hour or if your in London just sit it on top your woodburner and just for green lurchers a kilo of drunken mussels done in white wine, garlic, butter and parsley
  16. Greyman

    Sloe Gin

    I do the same recipe but use vodka, we don't have many sloe,s down here this year but last year was a blinder, this year we seem to have lots of rose hips so I,ll be making syrup, not the same buzz as vodka but really good medicinal property,s plus natural and free
  17. f**k him he was no more than a dirty old man and a pimp, in any other walk of life he would have been jailed he was just providing girls for the rich and famous
  18. The Hampstead puma eating the grey cat has been identified as 9 year old Tom ruffus who lives a couple of streets away but I think we had already established that one as fake anyway
  19. Pity they can't cover Michael Gove in kitty Kat and lick him in the enclosure....the odious little toad that he is... must be honest I could think of a few million people I,d rather have fighting my corner he is a proper little snake for sure
  20. that's a very good question, maybe it's another step by the authority,s to cover the fact they were here all along, we have a wild goat experiment going on near me and they have had 6 male goats on the gorge for years to stop them spreading, very interesting point
  21. Nice sales pitch there Phil good bit of media coverage, like your style
  22. Just ignore the prick. He just does it to get attention which is a bit sad really.... I know mate but what could be better than raising some money for charity whilst getting the chance to punch citizen smith,s face inside out at the same time
  23. I resisted for as long as I could but if anyone wants someone to punch this prick round the ring for two or three rounds in thl death match I,m in, can't go the distance as I'm not a spring chicken any more but I,m quietly confident of an early knock out, so who ever is arranging the charity boxing match you can put my name down next to twat face
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