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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. First clue for the fox fans, when a fox or even a badger chews ribs from a carcass the ends look like a paint brush as they chew it and not cut it, second clue fox,badger and rat will eat the stomach not leave it unburst hanging from the spine picture two coming up, black bag is the stomach also notice how the skin has been rolled down the legs and the missing ribs cut clean off tight to the spine with no frizzy stumps, the badger also had no facial damage that would indicate a fight with either a dog or another badger it has a single bite mark through the top of its head and it was then licke
  2. I don't think he,s the first I,m sure I heard a simular story some years ago, but FairPlay to him and his mates for seeing it through
  3. Right I think I can now finally add a picture, so it's been a while and my gallery just keeps on growing, as we all know there is know such thing as big cats living wild in England so I was wondering if anyone could explain this one, I found it fresh yesterday morning no rigamortis had set in and it's stomach was still in tact, it's totally been skinned out, I found a deer around 50 yards away at exactly the same time last year in very simular condition , so the question I need answering is this, what kind of British mamal can catch a full grown badger , kill it, gut it and eat it all during t
  4. Am by know means an expert but when I asked what this wood was I was told black poplar and it does look simular to yours hope it helps
  5. Never had you down as an avid co op fan, go co op
  6. Forget a gun until you have land to take it on as you will be tempted to do naughty things, when you buy your ferret get a dozen purse nets to go with it these are placed over the hole and close round the rabbit as it exits, you may want a small whippetie type lurcher next to nail anything that avoids the nets and so your armoury will grow, next get a decent lamp and get your whippet on the lamp, long nets can be a good way of gathering game if you have no dogs or guns ( or permission) you should also learn how the weather affects your quarry and you as the biggest load of bollacks ever writte
  7. Greyman


    f**k knows I,m still using slate and if I get a PM it comes tied to a pigeon
  8. 360 licence to drive diggers is not a bad one, you can work for a firm or buy yourself a machine and tipper and sub yourself out
  9. You have two choices one has already been suggested to you, which is to get yourself along to your local shoot and offer your services as a beater, you will meet other likeminded folk then get invited out for a bit of ratting and other pest control type jobs, or you can go in the complete opposite direction like me and just go were you want when you want and plead ignorance when it comes on top, it won't make you flavour of the month but you will be fit as feck from legging it and you get to know every gap in the hedge and cut through for miles around, if your planning on getting a gun licenc
  10. Drowned in alchahol then fried complete, if the French can do it to a goldfinch I,m sure a ring neck would make an absolute banquet, I had a squirrel last week that my dog retrieved live (silly boy) it was biting shit out of him, anyway it was in an orchard and had been dining mostly on apples which made the flavour much nicer than some I,ve tried, so maybe feed the ring neck on cheese and Parma ham for a while and it will be taste like a pizza,
  11. I did here of someone shooting one last year in the Forest of Dean it was in there chickens at night, it had a fight with the family Russell a few evenings earlier but they thought it was a fox until it returned for the hens and got shot
  12. Some kind of white noise comes from my bathroom everytime my son has a shower, if that counts
  13. There,s something we could both enjoy up a snow covered mountain, I know an old woman that runs a donkey sanctuary and I saw a massive tumour disappear after all medication failed, the woman applied a canabbis based compound to it every day for a period of time and it went from an angry orange size ball to a small scar in its fur,
  14. Funny a guy I know has just re homed a large leaburger(spelling) ? It's nine years old and comes from Bosnia it's been an army dog then a guard dog but now lives a lovely life on a farm, comes to the pub and sits by the fire and is generally a lovely well rounded animal, I can't stand the attitude let's kill them all incase one goes wrong, all the bollacks about living by kids etc give them a chance it's like convicting someone incase they commit a crime, there are still a few people about that actually have a good relationship and knowledge of there dogs and there are just as many div,s about
  15. Along with the arms industry the industry in medicine is worth billions globally, and the last thing they want or need is a naturally growing plant that can do more than there million pound medicines that,s why they won't research it's health benefits or make it available for trial or promote it, there are many cases of people getting over cancer by self medicating with cannabis I also no several people that have successfully treated animals including donkeys and dogs with it, even prolonging and improving the quality of life is much better than the devastation that chemotherapy and other me
  16. Done, if I never already had three I,d take them myself, they are used for there intelligence not because they will just indiscriminately attack children, they just need a quiet life with a grumpy old b*****d that walks a lot and is firm but fair, probably not ideal for a council flat and half a dozen sprogs, but that's just common sense
  17. Well they are in Scotland,Devon and Gloucestershire,that I know of so that's top middle and bottom of the country as to numbers not sure heard there were 6 let loose on the Cotswolds, and a few of the early ones in Scotland were shot by people that never wanted them back, the ones in Devon are pretty well established so possibly less than 50 over all, but as they are rodents that might be all they need to get started ??
  18. Strange stance, on a global level we are driving lots of things to extinction probably on a monthly basis, it does not have to be an alpha animal like rhino,s and tigers, insects and bugs are going at an alarming rate, if you want one to research take a look at the thylosene or Tasmanian tiger officially went extinct in about 1933 at the hands of mankind
  19. They put turkeys down on a shoot near me and when they fly it's like a terrodactile going through the woods and often takes a kick to get them airborne, not in the same league as a left and right on woodcock but pretty impressive if you can drop one with a catapult
  20. Wow I bet that's a sight to see, everyday,s a school day and my bustard knowledge has just doubled cheers
  21. The one my mate had visiting him was on his bird feeders most days last summer
  22. I think they are here to stay now, you can get a licence to shoot them but I can't see us getting rid of them, interestingly they recon the originals exscaped from the film set of African queen with Humphrey boggart
  23. I bet he,d look a bit like a chicken as well sat in a baking tray with no cloths on surrounded by roasters, you can see why it went extinct in the first place really can't you simular to the dodo, big, tasty and flightless not good traits for longevity
  24. I think the biggest problem for them is they are ground nesting and a few of the chicks have been nailed by fox/badgers so there probably going to take longer to get established unlike the ring necks which nest in holes and seem to be spreading like feck my mate had one on his bird feeders last summer in Gloucester
  25. I was having a mooch in Gloucestershire last year and came across a large fenced off area with more no entry, and keep out signs on the gate than seemed normal , so being a curious type I hopped over and had a look round never saw anything out of the ordinary, a few days later sat in watching telly and on the news they were at a secret location breeding some kind of stork for reintroduction, well the secret location was the field I had been looking in a few days earlier so the following week I went back and sat in the hedge as it got dark and sure enough a flock of storks came flying in to ro
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