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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. Quick run out with the dogs early as I had to take the misses into town at 10 anyways saw this on the river sadly I was in a rush and couldn’t stalk up on it looked like an eagret but was 3ft tall and seemed a bit different
  2. I think he’s just an over qualified under achieving prick done well in school but can’t cut it in the real world works a shit job owns a shit dog never mentions his youngsters and does a week in the med once a year the rest of his time is trying to be someone in the virtual world so f**k him only thing he brings to the table he googled two minutes earlier
  3. Always those pesky Russians fault lol
  4. He,ll be on Twitter now slagging the site and all if us down again
  5. We can but hope, the only time I get to see my kids cars is when they need fixing lol
  6. Nice van but a bit to new for me lol I like older, the sprinter has no turbo and no timing belt they call it the million mile engine just stopping the rust killing it first is the issue, if your daughter gets the bug she will be going for something bigger in a year usually a crafter if she’s into vws
  7. Just back from garage with mine two little bits of welding on the inner sills and two bulbs will patch the sills this weekend for the ticket then later on when I have more time will chop them off and put new inner and outer sills on but all good and should be off again weekend after next
  8. Come on mate it’s got stripes, tiger surely
  9. Was expecting 10 pages of bollox when I looked this morning guess the boil has been lanced again wonder what billy hill will have to say about it lol
  10. It’s top heavy with staff you could clear out loads of bogus managers and diversity staff save a fortune and not make a difference to care
  11. Saw my first house martinis yesterday and it was snowing here an hour ago but seen a few more just now
  12. Old and wise mate golly could learn a lot from you and your ilk if he wasn’t so ignorant and obsessed with getting the last word in by dragging every thread down till everyone leaves you probably see and do more in a week than he achieves in a year on his phone
  13. He can say what he wants mate because he’s just a bullshitting idiot that backs nothing up everyone knows that arry has been there seen it and done it, and is still active in the countryside while the village idiot is just buying his first lurcher when the games fecked and most are knocking it on the head lol
  14. Chicken salad here this evening
  15. I think if he does it will be based around tommy Robinson which is what a lot of people are saying they want and he’s certainly not tainted by the political establishment but there will be a lot of political meddling if it gets any momentum an interesting few years ahead in politics
  16. It costs us all money mate and rick probably more than most, everything is self funded and anybody that knows anything about publishing will also know that small runs of limited subject books are a labour of love but that don’t stop the local bullshitter changing it to suite his own agenda like he is trying to tell Mel what he saw the kids an absolute cock full stop
  17. You’ve left the front loader out the picture you girl
  18. Where’s red adere these days he would have been all over that like a tramp on hot chips
  19. Few pork products and fresh eggs left over from the weekend away so a quick little fry up for tea tonight
  20. No I’m asking you the man that knows everything, but clearly knows fack all i have to deal with things like that all the time but never make false claims about them or generally go public with them now all I can tell you is the picture is in England so what English animal is in the picture,??? I will give you a little tip to get you going you have to start by eliminating all the other likely culprits then see what your left with
  21. I,m used to being the oddball lol and years ago I was in woods in North Somerset came across a clearing of a couple of acres of land all freshly turned over with hoof marks around it when I told the local countrymen in the boozer there were pigs in the wood I was mocked and told it was badgers looking for leatherjackets that had turned up the field/ clearing so I left them to it years later in the same pub a local farmer came in and said he had been phoned up by the police asking him if he had lost any black pigs as someone had seen a small group running down the road at night, so I think simi
  22. and you shy away from answering a simple question by bombarding the thread with bollox WHAT IS THE ANIMAL IN THE PICTURE CHARLES DARWIN and if by a slight chance you don’t know it’s ok to admit it we won’t laugh
  23. I saw my first one in Stroud years ago never saw one before but within 3 years they were all round the outskirts of Bristol so fag packet calculation and no science they were spreading about 10 mile a year
  24. And still no ID your a class act mate that’s for sure, the reason you think everyone is a liar is because it’s how you live your life have said it before you can’t help yourself it’s in your dna
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