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Everything posted by Greyman

  1. Got stopped by bridge work about a days motoring from final destination so came home for a few nights back up early Friday morning for last big push done about 40 locks so far got another big flight ahead meant to take 5 hours to climb, it’s been a hard slog standing still on the back for ten hours a day in all weather plus locks but I,m almost 62 and realistically how many adventures do we have left, I feel like I’ve gone ten rounds after a game of rugby but I love it lol
  2. Night stop at the frog inn bidetord on avon
  3. Few more from my epic journey leaving pershore on up the Avon to Stratford on Avon with Lenny the boat dog and a ten horse two pot engine older than me
  4. Greyman

    Flu jab

    Mate I have not read all the thread but my take on all mammals us included is we get our immunity from our mothers milk then build on it as we grow up by catching colds and flus sticking jabs into kids for things like flu is detracting from there own natural immunity growth and making future generations drug dependant to stay alive. Get I’ll ,Get we’ll get anti body’s and crack on
  5. Just moored up outside the frog inn at bideford for the night bit of grub and a pint next few pics from yesterday Severn onto the Avon then got as far as Pershore were we moored for the night before a quick trip to the shop and away again
  6. Last night in Gloucester shopping at Sainsbury curry goat delivered to the boat and leaving onto the Severn first thing
  7. Left Gloucester docks at 8 this morning been driving all day just moored up in Pershore on the river Avon few pics of Gloucester before getting on the Severn the big luxury boat was recently seized coming across the Irish Sea with 160 million pounds worth of Charlie on board
  8. Weren’t you that crazy guy that told us trump was going to loose the election, one of the essential quality’s for a leftie is no shame and no memory now dry your eyes mate you lost lol
  9. This ones just had a new front end and blacking
  10. Cheeses meats and breads this evening
  11. Greyman


    Buy precious metal and tell your kids were it is stashed
  12. Anybody see it last night around 6 o’clock was having a little bit of a Halloween evening with the kids and grandkids lad popped outside for a fag and shouted us out sadly it disappeared before we could snap it
  13. I,m an old boy to but I,m f****d if I’d roll over and take it up the rusty sheriffs badge sad as it is he chose to get involved he chose to fess up at the first hurdle and he chose to top himself when things got sticky, you don’t get any of those choices in a true dictatorship
  14. I would imaging a lot of screws would side with Robinson and his stance as they get to see the dregs of all this shit everyday of there working life
  15. Come on mate you get tortured and disappeared in those places if you don’t comply these people were given a choice and they took the wrong one it’s that simple we still have a decent legal system but magistrates are not part of it,
  16. Magistrates is a kangaroo court controlled by the authority’s and they get the outcome they want regardless of legalities obviously this won’t be an official line but from experience it’s how I see it works in reality, each and every one of those arrested should have taken there legal right of trial by judge and jury but they were told plead guilty or face 10 years and most buckled the ones like the one I put up will walk but it will get no or little coverage as it sets the wrong example,
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