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About thedodger

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Bedlington x whippet View Advert Looking for bedlington x whippet pup, bitch Advertiser thedodger Date 26/09/19 Price Category Working Lurchers  
  2. Looking for beddie whippet pups coming up or near future, any leads much appreciated
  3. more twists and turns than an episode of line of of duty
  4. Sad to hear this ,top bloke, rip
  5. yes middleton strain of working terrier, seem to think there is a new one,might be wrong tho
  6. Chatting to a mate and seem to think there is a new book out on Gary Middleton,does anyone know ???? if so where can purchase from
  7. Does anybody know who the owner is to the brown /grizzle patt on the front cover of earth dog - running dog magazine september 2015 issue (278) , only i have near identical looking bitch and was wondering if they are from the same litter or where it was from
  8. could you forward show dates and locations plz, i am on cheshire wales border , ive 2 patts , and son has same, email add is tinktay18@gmail.com cheers
  9. My two , pip on left , 18 mths , dodge right 2
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