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About jagman

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Deerx x greyx View Advert Am looking for a pup 1/4deerhound 1/4bull 1/2 greyhound or whippet. Don’t mind waiting for the right pup and distance not a problem Advertiser jagman Date 20/01/18 Price £200.00 Category Working Lurchers  
  2. What a bunch of plebs ? I'll f***ing hunt and take whatever I want from anywhere I want!! Yer good one. Wether you like it or not some one owns that land. So that's theft. If you get caught your a shit poacher and if your writing on here admitting it your even weirder ? Keep your stories private and don't give people more of a reason to hate hunting!! And to the bloke that wrote on here good luck to the keeper that catches me ? You must be hard as f**k mate ????
  3. Plenty deer ? reds roe fallow sika. Also some of the best huntin country in the country. Few boar making a move around the place as well ??
  4. That is a jagd. I bred it. Sold the pups at £200 and £250. All dogs for sale are gone to good homes. Thanks
  5. A fortune?? Go get a f***ing job you doll head. All dogs have had to go for a reason that's none of your business. If you don't want don't comment. as said dogs cost more than this green so if I was making money out of it I would. bet you dig like a little bitch not a jcb pull the other one mate ?
  6. There is a reason these dogs have to go. I am not posting reason on here but more than happy to talk on phone. All three of dogs cost double this to import and as a breeding trio for new lines in uk they are ready to go. This was my plan but sadly can not happen with me. For got to mention male dog not good with other dogs
  7. He is a f***ing nutter below ground. He looses his mind. So that's why I'd say work him above ground. But your more than welcome to try. Just what I'd say to do
  8. Two bitches one dog all imports 21/2 year bitch small type smooth working fox and mad on rats £600 15 month bitch out of aluminium kennels ruff medium untested £500 Dog 3 year old big type to be worked above ground loose the plot if dug to £600 If you want to breed these dogs all top lines and unrelated Message only
  9. Jadg bitch will work fox £600 message if interested
  10. Brian Plummer recreated the breed! These lines are from his dogs
  11. Don't waste my time! If your wanting an alunt pm me and can discuss. If not f**k off
  12. 2 dogs 1 bitch left. Pm me if interested
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