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Captain Black

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Everything posted by Captain Black

  1. Cheers Comanche, thanks for some sound advice. I am a travel light type of guy when I go foraging, so your advice fits me well. Just been looking at locator and collar prices and though I would love to get this kit straight away it's simply out of my price range without saving. What would be a fair price for a second hand locator and collar out of interest? Also What books would you recommend to get me started? Robbie
  2. Cheers for the welcome, ferret breading season? Would like to get them ASAP, like a big kid I'm that excited lol
  3. Yep, about an hour to get all the sand out then 8 minimum hours on the boil. A labour of love lol
  4. Hi all, I am new to the forum and looking to take up ferreting. I am a big fan of wild foods and collect my own wild herbs, fungi, shellfish, crab and fish etc. Never been into ferreting as I always hunted rabbit with an air rifle In the past (had to sell rifle) but after reading an article about historical ferreting dating back to the 13th or 14th century I have become really interested in having a go myself. I do prefer the polecat coloration as apposed to the white type, though I do realise white are easier to spot in the field. I don't have a lot of cash and will be looking to build my e
  5. The room I was going to put them in is on the ground floor by my front door, I live upstairs in a flat. But yea, they do stink a bit I know lol.Got a decent garden so will make then a nice big hutch or shed
  6. Hi all, new to the forum and looking to get my first ferret's. Always been a bit of a hunter gatherer, I like to collect wild foods including plants, shellfish, crab, prawn and I even make my own lavabread (edible seaweed). I used to hunt rabbit with an air riffle but had to sell that a few years ago. Also started Kayak angling last summer and love it. For the past few years I have suffered with PTSD it's been a hard battle but last summer I started to break out of the hole it had trapped me in. Unfortunately, since the end of last summer and over the winter period I have started struggling
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