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About Mito1223

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. If someone broke into my place, the lurcher would help um look and jump in the car with them after.
  2. Farming sector is propped up on foreign labour - be knackered without em. Young generation don't want to do it it seems. I dunno if they think they're too good for it or easier options out there these days. A farm next to ours did a bit of a scheme and took on 40 furloughed office bods and college kids during covid - end of the first week only had 7 left and none by the 2nd - embarrassing really
  3. My n*bhhead Coming on ok - I'm a bit of a novice really so trying not to ruin him.
  4. Jack Pyke do neoprene vest type thing. Not the worst Ive seen.
  5. My lurcher is on Skinners which he does well enough on - plus its £20 for a 15kg bag. I throw a few other bits in with it too, lambs heads, chicken wings/carcasses, tripe etc. U'll be surprised what u can get for nowt from the butchers, mine fills up bin bags full of stuff that is only getting thrown away. Definitely get yourself a chest freezer if you got the space.
  6. What would ur guess be. My pup is 6 month and slightly over 20tts - mum was 18 i think and dad 27
  7. was disappointed, felt rushed and hope he finishes the books so it might actually get finished properly.
  8. Mito1223


    I got 2 cats, they're alright, they've grown on me as they were the missus really. Made an outdoor shitbox for them as i was consious of them crapping in other peoples garden as I've been on the other end and it f*cking horrible stuff. Just a bit of 4x2 and soil, saves stinking the house out too.
  9. 40% tax on anything gifted over £3k isn't it? £1m - invest it. If you buy a big house, cars and the rest it won't last long. Then you've got a long list of big ticket items you got to maintain and pay for on your old wage. Invest it in something with a nice return and weigh up you options - Keep working , reduce your hours and spend more time with the kids etc etc £50m - whatever the f*ck I want! Farm in the uk somewhere and a ski lodge in france would be the main ones. I think other than that it would be having the ability to spend my time how I wanted - tha
  10. Maybe ur right.Thought he looked leggy last night and not up to his usual standard. I also think he'd walk into most decent teams in the best leagues. Maybe hes just the closest to being world class we've got lol Still, he's only 24 so got time
  11. Should have killed the game off in the first half, we didnt and payed for it - in true english style. Didn't think the Croatians were all that - Rakatic and Modric didnt really contribute, missed passes all over the place, CB's look very average. I think France's attackers will run riot on them. Frustrated because that will probably be the easiest run in to a final we'll ever get, but not surprised. Would say the only world class player is Kane which is why we didnt give them much of a chance at the start.
  12. The result was more important than the performance imo. The team will get changed round for next game and hopefully we grow into the tournament. Need to up our game if we plan on beating Belgium let alone Spain/BrazilGermany etc
  13. It feels like im surrounded by townies and londoners these days with houses popping up on any available bit of land that cost crazy money. Got friends in West hampshire and love it there but that feels like its going the same way, maybe everywheres like that and i've just got to get used to it and stop moaning lol. Otherwise probably Devon, I was there when the latest attack happened in London and it felt like it was happening in another country Im happiest when im where know one else is lol.
  14. Mito1223


    7-8 does me. if I some how manage to get more I'll feel worse than if I had less. Morning is the best time of day so i'd rather be up and out at 6 and to bed early the other way round - cant seem to do both
  15. Christ, World 11 is bloody difficult. GK Taffarel RB Carlos Alberto Cb Nesta CB Jaap Stam LB Maldini DM Matthaus LM Robson RM Zico RW George Best ST Cantona LW C Ronaldo Manager Fergi Sub Schmeichel Vidic Thaigo Silva R Carlos Scholes Maradona Pele
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